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What attack level?


What attack level should you stop at?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. What attack level should you stop at?

    • 50 attack
    • 60 attack
    • 70 attack
    • 75 attack
    • 99 attack

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I'm just wondering what attack level is most recommended. I'm starting a new pure, and wish to know what level I should stop training attack at, factoring in quest rewards.


oh i voted 60, but stay 40 till like 80 str then 50 till 90 str and 60 at 99..


it all depends on what you like pking with... if you mainly use the granite maul then stay 50 attack. If you like dragon weapons then 60.

If you are going to be f2p then 40.


Pk f2p with 40 attack until you bored, then get 50 for low lvl mauling, then 60 for mid lvl hybridding, and 75 if you ever make enough for ags.


50 is uber fun


depends on ur bank and how you like to pk


Voted 60 because that's my favourite but try 40 attack and see how you like it. Then 50 attack, then 60 attack then if you have 100m+ for an ags go 70 and whip pk til 75.


60 70 or 99

Ags is a pointless in my opinion as you only get 2 ''lucky'' hits - same with mauling. 60 would be great for hybrid abilities, though whip pking owns.

And if getting above 70 attack whip pk it.


60 is the best for its combat I believe. (Even though I'm 75:P)

Just stay 60 until you have money for Godswords or Sara sword.


i'm a low level (40 combat so far), but i've merched my way to 43m so far, and going, so money shouldn't be to much of a problem, i just want to know what attack level to stop at. I don't want to get 75 attack, then relise how much better I could have been with 60 attack, or get 99 attack, and see that the combat levels weren't worth it.


depends on ur bank and how you like to pk



get 60 when ur 99str and when ur bored and can afford ags get 75.


50 att all the way :)

Gareth l Rare

Look, get 50 att and range -> gmual combo

when you get pised off with it then you get 60 for dds, d scimie, d2h and d claws

when you pissed off you get 70 for whip,ss

when your bank gets bigger 75 for ags/bgs

and if your bank is big 50m+ and you have big enough dick, get 78

when your sick of that get 99


depends on ur bank and how you like to pk


End of the day after you ruin 60 att, u wish to get it back. That's what happened to my last pure.


I voted 50. then if you get bored you can go to 60 or higher.


50 attack:

if you were to get 50 atk 99 str and 99 range, you wouldnt lvl but getting 60 attack would

so techniqually, 50 atk is fully maxed :D

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