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Chowder's Goals and Achievements Thread.


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400th post count for the lulz.

Chowder's Goals and Achievements Thread.

Okay, so hi. I'm Rob, alot of you know me already so yeah. I recently started playing this game again, I don't know why, I just did, so I thought it'd be nice to have a place to keep my progress on my new account.

I'll be updating this with quests/cashpile/significant skill levels/anything else I see fit.


June 08, 2010.

All of the stats are from the f2p quests that I did. With some str training.


Get basic pure quests done. Sigh.


None yet.

Thanks to

Awemni for getting my lazy ass to actually play this damn game. And everyone else in #ws.


Right, so first update.

Pretty much all the f2p quests i'ma do for now, done.

In addition to this i have Restless Ghost and Vamp slayer done.

Juicy Baps

Goodluck with your goals.


Goodluck with the account there :) Future Foe :P


blood pact gives def btw


blood pact gives def btw

Yeah I started it by accident.

Will edit later today, hopefully 40 str, then questing.


Goodluck with this account Rob! Keep us updated :)


i hope you get 2defence


Reserved, will edit later with some pictures.


Hi, I will add the pictures to the above post ^ when I wake up.

Things done June 08,2010.

20 Range

40 Str

34 Att

15/55 Slayer

28 Hp

10 Mining

32 Smelting

10 Fishing


Death Plateau

Waterfall Quest

Fishing Contest

Knight's Sword

Some others can't remember atm

Cashpile is now 300k ;( Need tips.

(June 09, 2010)

Skate with friends

come home and do slayer, then the rest of the rfd req's, get ava's accumulator/50 range, 50 attack/50 str, be ownage at life.



goodluck buddy :) all the best.

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