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Ok so if there is anyone here that uses RsBot on any of there accounts, make sure you do not dl the version #548.

It has phished so many people's acc's already.

The forums are down atm cuz that bloke who runs it is trying to get rid of the hackers, no idea when it should be back up.

It is not dead anyways. Just wanted to make sure no'one gets any of there acc's phished.


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I use SVN to download it... How do I check the version?

Right now mine says it is out of date and I can't update it still.

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The autoers of the third reich shall return! (GO GO KNEE GROW).

Seriously, what is this RsBot? Is it like Auto Rune? SCAR (Shit Compared to Auto Rune) or Aryan (heil). All of those bots were epic (I made so much money botting (over 100m)!)

Is it java based or is it an application, like does it read the actual java byte code and implement commands from there like aryan did, or is it more of a colour clicker like SCAR or did it inject data packets into the data being sent to manipulate things like AR?

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Ok guys if you dl'd the 548 yesterday, delete it imediately.

Do not download anything from the SVN till the site is up.


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Yeah anyone with some common sense would have figured this out...

You'd be surprised.

If some one lacks the mental capacity to realize that they'll forfeit their information they deserve to lose their accounts.

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The autoers of the third reich shall return! (GO GO KNEE GROW).

Seriously, what is this RsBot? Is it like Auto Rune? SCAR (Shit Compared to Auto Rune) or Aryan (heil). All of those bots were epic (I made so much money botting (over 100m)!)

Is it java based or is it an application, like does it read the actual java byte code and implement commands from there like aryan did, or is it more of a colour clicker like SCAR or did it inject data packets into the data being sent to manipulate things like AR?

RSBot is a java based program that reads packets from RS and analyzes the game code. It then uses the tiles/NPC IDs/Item IDs/etc to bot.

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Why playing rs if u dont wanna train... thats the game lol and idk why but if i get free lvls i dont feel proud... -.- so i never use bots

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