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Rs Jibb pvp pk 15m high risk hybriding

Eivind Nor

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ill watch when inet is uncapped


Not bad dude. You apping?


had to much miasmic  :sleep:

some nice bridding though

Guest Emote|Muse

you crop such a random section of the screen its annoying


Yeah alot of miasmicing which i'm not a fan of but in general i did like that, alot of weapons in your invent, and two staffs?


Decent vid, just get rid of the low hits


its fine, not that good but not bad either!


You only have 1 clip of you risking 15M, dumb. You also need to know YouTube dimensions. Look it up.

Eivind Nor

Lol gf kiddo, watch the vid another time, and ull notice that im risking master wand, mages bppk, wizzy boots etc, in several clip <3


45 pray. get it.

pretty good vid, nice bridding. 2 staffs though?


keep the low hits out

wasnt very entainment

o0 PK Vids

will edit.

Not a huge fan of the miasmicing before they overhead... IMO use zuriel if ppl overhead Vs. You....

...That being said... Liked the vid... maybe more ko's with diff weapons. I saw you trying with the dbow, maybe through in some KO's with it/morrigans/dlong....Claws?  :nice:

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