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How To Make A Pure: Final Ownage Elite's Ultimate OSRS Guide


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Final Ownage Elites Pure Guide




Getting Started:


Once you have decide on a good name and created your character, and you do tutorial island, I suggest you setting recovery questions and authenticator on your account straight away! it would save time for the future since some starter content is blocked without having them set I.E Stronghold of security. 


to get started, grab some food and head to Barbarian village (im assuming you are starting from scratch - if this is not the case, you can skip this entire section, once you have food go through the stronghold and you will obtian 10k gp for free and four new emotes.





upon completing this. there are a few quests you will need to do, no matter how much you hate quests you DO need these done, but if you like quests its best you do ALL of the f2p quests apart from dragon slayer, heres a list of the quests you will need to do and the reasons why you need to do them:

I would highly recommend making use of Slayermusiq's guides for the questing part of making a pure, especially if you do not enjoy it. 


Cooks Assistant - Recipe for disaster req.

Demon Slayer - Recipe for disaster req. 

Ernest the chicken - for avas device.

Goblin Diplomacy - Recipe for disaster req.

The Restless Ghost - prayer xp boost/ req for desert treasure.

Vampire Slayer - takes you from 1 to 20 attack.


once completing these quests i'd suggest training up your account until you think its ready for p2p and making money, there are a few ways to make money in f2p albiet a lot slower than p2p method eg, killing cows and selling the hides.




Going P2P:

There are alot more money makers, its best for you to explore different types and find out what you like to do!


Now that you probably have improved your stats in f2p or I hope you have whilst becoming a member, you will need to start doing more quests! remember its okay to take a break from questing and rather go train your account, or go practice pking in clan wars or the wilderness! ill list some quests below and give you links to the guides (gloves will be at the end, they need a speical section.):


Fishing Contest - Recipie for disaster req. 

Tree Gnome Village - This should raise your attack level to 31.

 The Grand Tree - This should raise your attack to 39. 

Waterfall Quest -This should raise your attack to level 42, and also your strength to 30 (if you havent trained your strength)

Death Plateau - This should raise your attack level to 43. More importantly, you receive the ability to buy and wear Climbing boots. Climbing boots add +2 strength bonus, and are VERY important to pking as a pure.

Fight Arena - This should raise your attack level to 45. *you have now completed all the important* quests that give you attack experience. 

Priest in Peril - This should boost your Prayer to 11 (1,406 XP if you've completed The Restless Ghost, you'll be at level 15)  

 Mountain Daughter -This will boost your Prayer to 22 (if you've completed The Restless Ghost, you'll be at level 23)


*can still do spirits of the elid and the elf quest series to gain further attack and prayer experience. 


 Lost City - The ability to wield dragon weapons - 60 attack needed for these

Monkey Madness - allows you to use dragon scimitar * DO NOT FINISH IF YOU WANT TO CHIN YOUR RANGED! 

horror from the deep - reward is prayer books, you are best off choosing Zamorak. 

Desert Treasure - is a must for pures! 



Recipe for Disaster

This is important for a pure, due to the gloves being cheaper than the bracelet counter parts offered that are vastly more expensive, however, if questing is not your thing, you can go ahead and use combat or regen bracelets to train and pk respectively. The highest rank gloves a pure can get with 1 defence is mithril, 13 defence for adamant gloves and any tier higher (rune, dragon, barrows) is above the defence cap of 20 defence of being a 'pure'. 


in order to obtain these gloves you have to do certain quests which unlocks then one by one, and their are certain quests you cannot do without raising your defence. i will list the certain sub quests you can do, and the ones you must avoid:


1 Defence:

The Goblins

The Dwarf

The Ogre

Evil Dave

Pirate Pete


13 Defence:

Lumbridge Guide


Do NOT do the ones stated below:

Sir Amik Varze.

Awowogei in OSRS cannot be done! 






Account Builds: 







Training Spots.


there are so much variety in spots where to train as a pure - obviously not as much as a main but there is still alot!


Rock Crabs or Sand Crabs:

monsters have 50 hp, making it a total of 200 xp per kill, quiet affective to train on them, BUT the spots are usually crowded with other pures / mains. they auto attack you as long as you stand next to them - but they go autoretalating after about 15 mins of afk there, you just got to run away and back.



These monsters have 100 hp, making it a total of 400 xp per kill, required to do a quest (priest in peril) and to have at-least started the creature of fennkenstrain quest, they are only level 25 and they only hit 1s, alot of pures / mains train here too, mostly bots here these days though. i got 99 strnegth here once before, and i wouldnt recommend it as it isnt so AFK as the other methods.


Nightmare Zone

currently one the best training methods in osrs, across account builds. 


Pest Control:

since updating the point reward, PC has become arguably one of the best places to train strength in OSRS. 





Avoiding getting Defence:

there are many ways to get defense, by mistake, or doing a quest by accident, ill provide you with what quests you can do without getting defense on a pure, and ones you cannot.



avoid using spears at ALL times, if someone says they will pay you to kill a monster with a spear, dont fall for it, spears train defence, on all styles if you have 70 attack, make sure after using an aaggressive styled weapon to switch it back to the accurate style, or it will train shared experience, leading to 2 or more defence!

Butterfly nets train shared experience, the best rule of thumb with regard to this is to check whenever you try on a weapon that is unfamiliar with yourself, better safe than sorry! 


1 defence Quests:

here's some quests 1 def accounts can do giving xp in combat stats. i'm listing them since so many people ask about them all the time. next time people ask about quests rewards give them this link:

free to choose xp rewards:


the great brain robbery 5000xp (lamp)

contact! 14000xp (2 lamps)

shadow of the storm 10000xp (att, str, range, def or hp)

one small favour 20000xp (2 lamps)



Attack xp rewards:

mountain daughter 1000xp (and 2000 prayer xp)

tai bwo wannai trio 2500xp (and 2500 strength xp)

death plateau 3000xp

underground pass 3000xp

vampire slayer 4825xp

Tree Gnome Village 11450xp

fight arena 12175xp

waterfall quest 13750xp (and 13750 strength xp)

the grand tree 18400xp (and 2150 magic xp)


Strength xp rewards:

tai bwo wannai trio 2500xp (and 2500 attack xp)

troll romance 4000xp

horror from the deep 4662.5xp (and 4662.5 magic xp, 4662.5 ranged xp)

scorpion catcher 6625xp

roving elves 10000xp

waterfall quest 13750xp (and 13750 attack xp)

haunted mine 22000xp


ranged xp rewards:

big chompy bird hunting 735xp

recipe for disaster - saving the ogre 1500xp

death to the dorgeshuun 2000xp

zogre flesh eaters 2000xp

horror from the deep 4662.5xp (and 4662.5 strength and magic xp)

temple of ikov 10500xp


magic xp rewards:

witch's potion 325xp

imp catcher 875xp

spirits of the elid 1000xp (and 8000 prayer xp)

the giant dwarf 1500xp

the grand tree 2150xp (and 18400 attack xp)

horror from the deep 4662.5xp (and 4662.5 strength and ranged xp)

Enakhra's Lament 7000xp

the eyes of glouphrie 12000xp

swan song 15000xp (and 10000 prayer xp)

watch tower 15250xp

desert treasure 20000xp


hitpoints xp rewards:

grim tales 5000xp

Witch's House 6325xp

Mourning's Ends Part 1- 25000xp


prayer xp rewards:

rag and bone man 500xp

making history 1000xp

recruitment drive 1000xp

restless ghost 1125xp

priest in peril 1406.2xp

mountain daugther 2000xp (and 1000 attack xp)

ghosts ahoy 2400xp (+some prayer during quest)

another slice of ham 3000xp

rag and boneman 5000xp (wishlist)

the great brain robbery 6000xp

rum deal 7000xp

spirits of the elid 8000xp (and 1000 magic xp)

swan song 10000xp (and 15000 magic xp)


Item rewards:

horror from the deep - prayer books

animal magnetism - avas accumulator

another slice of ham - ancient mace (bandos item for godwars), telespheres to goblin cities

death plateau - climbing boots

family crest - gauntlets (cook/goldsmith/bolt)

ghosts ahoy - ectophial (televial)

the great brain robbery - anchor weapon

haunted mine - salve ammy (melee bonus vs undead)

mountain daughter - bear helm (best 1def headgear, dont need to finish quest to get)

recipe for disaster - addy gloves (ogre, dwarf, goblin, pirate, evil dave, monkey)

roving elves - crystal bow and ability to wield them (still looks cool but broad bolts are better)

temple of ikov - armadyl ammy (godwars safe item for armadyl encampent)

gertrudes cat - ability to buy and raise cats. takes about 4hours to grow, after that you can sell them for 50 (or 100 :s) death runes in west ardougne.

underground pass - iban staff+spell. only needs 50magic and hits up to 25.

Special abilities

desert treasure - ancient magicks

the grand tree - gnome gliders

tree gnome village - tree spirit teleports

prince ali rescue - free passage lumb/alkharid

eadgars ruse - trollheim tele

enlighthened journey - air balloon transport

lost city - ability to wield dragon long/dragon dagger

monkey madness - ability to wield dragon scimitar and atoll agility arena

mourning end part2 - craft death runes

plague city - ardougne teleport

priest in peril - access to eastern map of runescape (werewolves, vampyres, swamp)

swan song - fish monkfish

tai bwo wannai trio - easier karambwan buying (combo got nerfed, heals 18hp)

watchtower - watchtower teleport

waterfall quest - popular fire giants range spot

death to the dorgeshuun - unlock special attack of bone crossbow (hit lowers opponent defence lvl)

druidic ritual - start for herblore

contact! - bank at thieving pyramid in the desert.




thought it would be handy to add the defence xp reward quests, dont ever finish these. even better, dont start them :P.


  • a soul's bane
  • in search of the myreque
  • in aid of the myreque
  • nature spirit
  • what lies below
  • fremennik trials
  • heroes quest
  • between a rock
  • observatory quest (about 15% chance of getting defence. learn about the reward before finishing)
  • olafs quest
  • dream mentor
  • holy grail
  • dragon slayer
  • monkey madness (talking to daero AFTER killing the demon)
  • kings ransom

^^^^^^^^ DEFENCE XP ^^^^^^^^





Other items a pure may need/use;

Castle Wars Halo's - 75 tickets from Castle Wars





Helpful videos:






Edited by Cj.
Kid x goku x

Good start;

Alot of pictures, indepth explanation.

Just add a p2p thing and alot more info :)




A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 3000.

Uaex V Jad

I'll pin this for now, but u gotta add more info later ;)


yeah i will.


The last 2 pictures don't work but it might just be for me.

Good effort into this guide.


Great guide so far! May I suggest adding to Soul Wars that you can use bandages on other people on your team to replenish half the "activity bar"? Easy to afk doing this, a lot of people use this method.


holy well done joo. i remember i added you back in teh day because i watched u pknig and was llike, umg im making a pure. ;)


lol :p :victory:


wow neva realised that about addy gloves well im off to get them now :p

vinnie | hybrid

nice guide

Spark bladez

good guide, i'd like to see hotkey explanation for new pker's and maybe f2p?


good gear good guide good pure:D


Just one question.

Do I have to make those following quests to get Adamant Gloves?

the goblins - Guide http://www.zybez.net/quests.php?id=106#goblin

the dwarf - Guide http://www.zybez.net/quests.php?id=106#dwarf

The ogre - Guide http://www.zybez.net/quests.php?id=106#SkrachUglogwee

Evil dave - http://www.zybez.net/quests.php?id=106#EvilDave

pirate pete - http://www.zybez.net/quests.php?id=106#PiratePete

yes you do.
  • 2 weeks later...

Best pure guide i have found :D

I Thai Ko I

brilliant quest guide. lol  name:"devil" "your pro!"


Very impressive guide, add a bit about F2P pking an such, can't really say anything else, cause i wouldn't of done any better, good job! ^_^


thank you


great guide mate  :nice: I laughed once or twice too :P


good guide, i'd like to see hotkey explanation for new pker's and maybe f2p?

thought i'd get it dpne for you, so you can add to guide as its been requested

F1 = combat style page (for very fast speccing)

F2 = stats (useless with since addition of upper right stats)

F3 = quests (useless)

F4 = inventory (for fast return to food from F1,F6 and F7

F5 = worn equipment page  (useless)

F6 = prayer page (amazing for if your  being pj'ed,  fast return to food)

F7 = magic (Amazing for hybriding, when timing

Past that is useless

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