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Combo special


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Well, I have seened several videos where people "combo-spec". E.G. someone spec with ags, then quickly switches to maul to instantly spec again.

Anyone have any idea how to do this? I've been trying it, but I'm still puzzled.  :ph43r:


Press F5


Watch Mori's vid 4 or my vid 7, you need the hotkeys for inven and combat style tabs.

Gareth l Rare

f4 (blitz)

f1 (inv) right click ags

f5 spec (instantly click spec -> attack other player)

f1 gmual (right click) and instantly f5 and spam click special

if you did right you just get 3hits in :D

or go rune knifes (click quick prayer) <-- have settings to super melle/attack

then follow steps in red


Even though others already said it, f5 for speccing, f1 for your invy, f4 for your mage book.



Pretty Green

Watch Mori's vid 4 or my vid 7, you need the hotkeys for inven and combat style tabs.

Mori's 4th is just rape!

Next In Line

f4 (blitz)

f1 (inv) right click ags

f5 spec (instantly click spec -> attack other player)

f1 gmual (right click) and instantly f5 and spam click special

if you did right you just get 3hits in :D

or go rune knifes (click quick prayer) <-- have settings to super melle/attack

then follow steps in red


f4 (blitz)

f1 (inv) right click ags

f5 spec (instantly click spec -> attack other player)

f1 gmual (right click) and instantly f5 and spam click special

if you did right you just get 3hits in :D

or go rune knifes (click quick prayer) <-- have settings to super melle/attack

then follow steps in red

dm me in arena sometime?

i wanna practice my hotkeys before i start pking again..



Thanks for the info guys. Could it be possible to AGS spec, then claw spec instantly?


Thanks for the info guys. Could it be possible to AGS spec, then claw spec instantly?

nope, you would have to wait for the time after the ags spec for the claw spec. maul just instantly specs when you click it.


Thanks for the info guys. Could it be possible to AGS spec, then claw spec instantly?

No there's a delay since ags is a slower weapon. Try claw spec then ags?



Watch my 4th vid, the one in my avatar is a slow one


f1 inv f2 equipment f3 prayer f4 mage f5 spec


Yea mori's 4th vid is a great one if you wana learn combos and stuff.

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