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Ag Ro's new bh vid 1 [HD] PREVIEW


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i got all the clips for full vid, waiting for my editor to get on

The whole clan thing is what my mate asked me to lead, but its a dead end it has like 8 members and i'm the highest level in their by far, so dont leave foe for us i dont intend to recruit anyone.


watching ill edit


too short

thats why i found it boring

good edits tho


Kid x goku x

Some nice clips there.

Join foe XD


i'm ex-foe look at my intro its complicated but i'm to  ashamed to join foe now ;p

Kid x goku x

I <3'd your intro XD

Best intro I've seen.

Go and apply, YsoEmbarrased


i went nh when my friend nhed tor after i went inactive, and i didnt rly like nhing, i even nhed camo n1te, but yeah i'm not ready  to appyl yet, i cant commit.


bad vid 1/10

do i sense a hint of jealousy?



too short


Enjoyed watching it though - and that's what it's about


More like a preview.

However very good editing and intro. (although the intro was like half the vid.)


ya guys it is a preview, i have clips for full vid, just waiting my editor :)


Zooming in and putting so much editing on too small koes with dds and maul is a no no imo. The editing was nice, just needs better clips. The best parts were with BGS, everything else seemed to just kinda suck. A lot of poor KO's. For the full vid you defo need more variety, not just Edge pking. Try to get some multi clips as well.

Gl with the final product.


this is why i cant wait to get out the full vid because i have semi decent kills, and afew good loots, and ALOT more variety.


Zooming in and putting so much editing on too small koes with dds and maul is a no no imo. The editing was nice, just needs better clips. The best parts were with BGS, everything else seemed to just kinda suck. A lot of poor KO's. For the full vid you defo need more variety, not just Edge pking. Try to get some multi clips as well.

Gl with the final product.

first off thanks, but yeah i didnt edit it so i wouldnt of even zoomed in on the crappy kills, but as i said it was a preview / semi test its my first video  :embarrased:


uh, omg... i can see how shitty this video truely is -.-


bumpp...? am i aloud to bump, if not remove this post ty.

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