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97 - Two more to go

Kjedelige | KJ

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Kjedelige | KJ

For anyone who read my 95 magic topic posted earlier today, I said I was hoping to achieve 97 strength, I was about 200k away. Well, I got it tonight on a black demon slayer task (eww). I ran down to the chaos druids to be able to snap the screenie, but a cock sucking druid cast on me right when I got it. It's still in the chat box though haha.

Next goal is to continue with slayer, hopefully get 99 strength in a week - week and a half.

Edit: After this post was made I celebrated by smoking some dank. Just want to say i'm really stoned..  :wow:



Grats sir, keep it up

Kjedelige | KJ

u mad bro?



grats mate, 2 to go :)

Kjedelige | KJ

Thanks mate.


Main without 99 str  :huh:

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