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425 Zeal to go till 99.

SW sucks.


oh naicee, u can do it :)


Liam, King of topics

Grats bro <3


Nice man, wish i could stand sw. I'd be 99 hp by now lol. Also do you know Baconnn?


Ha !


sw prodddd, jk gratzĀ  bro


if u think sw sucks why dont u try somthing else?


if u think sw sucks why dont u try somthing else?

What else gets decent HP xp and doesn't cost a lot?


if u think sw sucks why dont u try somthing else?

What else gets decent HP xp and doesn't cost a lot?

try finding something that doesn't take MONTHS for those lvls either..

grats man :]


if u think sw sucks why dont u try somthing else?

What else gets decent HP xp and doesn't cost a lot?

camp abby demons like me C:


Get slayer 80 :)

And lvl hp 99 ;)


Get slayer 80 :)

And lvl hp 99 ;)

I was thinking that, but I don't want to get like 76 or something then die of bordom lol.

You know what 1 slayer xp = hp xp?

Like 1 hp xp = 3 str xp.

Just so I can work out what slayer level 99 HP will get me.


Get slayer 80 :)

And lvl hp 99 ;)

I was thinking that, but I don't want to get like 76 or something then die of bordom lol.

You know what 1 slayer xp = hp xp?

Like 1 hp xp = 3 str xp.

Just so I can work out what slayer level 99 HP will get me.

Nvm, worked out 99 HP = 85 slayer, and using the fairy master/no summ etc. that will take forever. Probably going to stick to SW.


Nice, and epicly rounded stats lol

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