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Better than my first try.


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Haha, might be kind of bland but oh well.  ;)






Failed this one aha. ^^



I Think thats flow, atleast what i attempted.  :mellow:


I like the background, fuck knows what's in the middle but I don't like it.

Fonts cool too.


Thanks, Its some god from guild wars or something, I thought he looked cool :D i think i messed up blending near him.


Kind of hard to distinquish what it is, but I like the design of it.

severed arow

lol The last one is this tut http://www.sigtutorials.com/tutorials/basics/liquify-tool.html not done well, it doesnt flow as well as it could, ok i suppose but when doing tuts try and customize it a little bit if  its the kind of tut than cane be, which that is different render, or colours whatever.

and the god is abbadon its evil


I just liked that rendeer so i used it, and yeah im doing tuts so i can get the hang of stuff before i branch off doing things on my own. This is my second day, so i dont think ive gotten even close to stuff like you. :D

severed arow

I just liked that rendeer so i used it, and yeah im doing tuts so i can get the hang of stuff before i branch off doing things on my own. This is my second day, so i dont think ive gotten even close to stuff like you. :D

actually the first signatures i made was 100% me i messed around ps found out new tools got used to them just experimented and got used to the shop, i then used tutorials to find out new techniques but i usually got bored while doing them and went off on a tangent but i learned the techniques and thats all i needed then i started doing 100% my own stuff. Thanks.


Ok well thanks.


lol nice tutorial

severed arow

Ok well thanks.

Keep practising you will become great if you stick to is unless your an art retard or have no eye for detail

O InstinctZ

Oh nice pro i wish i had photoshop but don't got cash or download for it :/.


they're alright


2 and 3 look nice, others not so gr8

severed arow

in the second and last one the text is cut off and too close to the edge btw


2nd and 3rd i like


I like The Balthazar one because of the background but you need to avoid over-blending the focal (Balthazar), try and create some depth or sharpen it so it stands apart. For a first view, the 2nd one really caught my eye so nice start :)

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