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3njoy--lumby collects the best pure k0's ever clips


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hey all,

Atm I'm collecting clips to make a 'top 10 best P2P pure KO's ever' vid. If you have done some insanely high k0's, of which you think that they truely deserve to be in this vid, then upload the clips on filefront.com (not more than 5 clips max pls) and send them to my youtube channel: enjoylumby. Since it's a pure vid, it's pretty obvious that mithril is the max (i wont whine if you got 23 def or something though). Also, no clanwars/duel arena clips, they all have to be wildy/pvp/Bh.

would be much appreciated :D

From these Foe member I already know that they have sick K0s, So I hope they upload and send them to me: markedpk, i pk mods i, bonesaw pk, uaex v jad, beastdefire, i contr0lz i.

examples of K0's considered 'exceptional'

30-30+ dds specs

very high maul dammage specs (rushing wont be allowed)

like 62+ ags k0s

other sick k0s with different weapons I haven't thought of yet, you name it.

thx :)


I got a 17-30 in f2p [rang-2h]


I got a 17-30 in f2p [rang-2h]

Now that's an epic K0.
Kid x goku x

I've got a oak longbow-steel 2h k0 of 2-4.

Want that clip?


I got a 17-30 in f2p [rang-2h]

Now that's an epic K0.
ive done several 18-31s lol..

u just gotta know when to switch prayer


I got a 17-30 in f2p [rang-2h]

Now that's an epic K0.
ive done several 18-31s lol..

u just gotta know when to switch prayer

with over 1500 f2P kills vidded i stil lhave never done the 18 31 tbh (with prayer switching)

anyway very nice clip but i forgot to mention it has to be P2P, might make best F2P k0s later on or something, but for now F2P

thx for the replies


D bow surely is a good wep for it, or is it strictly melee and even r cbow?

I got like 30 odds with d bows and 40 odds with c bow.


D bow surely is a good wep for it, or is it strictly melee and even r cbow?

I got like 30 odds with d bows and 40 odds with c bow.

not saying that that isn't nice, but we're talking about the 10 best k0s of all time pure historie, they have to be SUPER exceptional, as in nearly impossible. If d bolt ko that'd have to be the pure max 60 rapid or 63 accurate and d bow should be like 40 40 accurate to be in it, you know what i mean

ty for replying

X Pwnz0r X

maybe my obby maul > g maul k0 in my 5th vid, al like 6-7 mins, best clip i ever got.


maybe my obby maul > g maul k0 in my 5th vid, al like 6-7 mins, best clip i ever got.

:o that clip is hilarious! gives me the idea to make the top 10 pure red bar kos lol :p very nice but I don't think the hits are high enough

ty for replying

Y4nk33 D33s

the hit in my sig good?


yea I've thought about that one. You can send it to me if you like.


mhm still looking

Koed Urs Mom

I have done 18-30 on a full runner in f2p. Is that any good?


that's very nice, but only P2p clips for this vid


lol tell me if ur gonna do f2p i got some nice clips

here is some ko's of def noobs only:

Posted Image

gonna make one of pures when i cba


maybe my obby maul > g maul k0 in my 5th vid, al like 6-7 mins, best clip i ever got.

X pwnx0r X ftwwww


I've got 41 with d2h


i got 31 31 28 at 68 combat


pieter hi nice k0es and nice vids B)

madly hybrid

very nice :)


i got 31 31 28 at 68 combat

yea thx for sending it. About the 41 d 2H ko , it's very nice and original, but I don't think it'd make it. Maybe if it was like 23-41 after msb switch or something


I know it's hella old skool weap but I think I got a 23-23 msb spec in my old old vid I got some 31-31 dds in vid 2 not too sure about vid 3 although I do have a 57 bgs lieing around somewhere lol

Trim3d Arrow

i got 3 hitted on the vid with whip and last hit was 37... is that good?

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