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Am i doing something wrong??

Iz Jade Iz

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Alright to start off my rant of pvp loot being horrible, ive tried literally everything people say that helps your loot....

im 1400+ total, 92 QP, 91+10 cmb and i get 200k targ kills every time.... Granted i rarely die, i do go out of my way to get Dp by dieng with an inventory of non noted junk every once in a while.  I tried skilling in pvp, ive tried dieng on purpose, ive tried eping to 100, ive even risked over 5m to see if it helped, ive done everything i can think of to improve loot but nothing works!!!

Is it a joke jagex plays on me?  i spend 30k+ in supplies each fight on sharks and pots, but i get 100-200k loot off targs and if im lucky 100k on regular kills.  Wdf is with that?

Maybe im just out of the loop but is there something im missing?


O InstinctZ

Are they risking anything? Though the drop system is pure luck.


Pure luck, some accs got it some dont really :(


hmm my best loot is 4mill my worst is 30k with 60 ep :c


Iv got like 750 targ and 2500 rougues, no ancient/vls/hammer etc.. Weird for me too.

O InstinctZ

its just how bad the drop system is.


My whole rs career on my pure: rare drops; 2 serens 5 arma stats thats it, the rest is shit

O InstinctZ

oh lmfao my career only 1 ancient like 3 seren and a lot of others ranging from 60k-600k lol the game is so weird lol.


All luck. Although the total lvl kinda helps out ( I think ). I use to be like 1150 and get shit loots, then I started skilling and got my total level up. My loots use to be pure shit, trust me. I use to get 100k off my targs all the time, but once I got above 1250+ total lvl, I started to get serens etc. My best loot was a c vls on 44 ep with no dp, so yeah luck plays a big part of it.


lol i hate seeing lvl 60 pures getting 5m loots and Vesta longs and stuff because they have huge dp from dying so much.  It annoys me that jagex rewards you for dying, but for actually being a better pk and not dying often you get crap loot.  RIP RS

O InstinctZ

well lol that's how weird the drop system is you will have level 60's getting better drops on no itemer targets then higher level killing risking target lol.


i lost a fury got d platelegs + 2 serens

i lost claws got a anc stat

i lost claws again got 2 serens

i lost fury(long time ago) got dfs

so seems dp is the way to go


DP helps but I still get shit loot too. Mind you I'm lower combat, lower total level, and lower qp... I rarely die though...

ya im chase

I quit for that reason, cbf with jagex's bullshit anymore.


Always happens to me aswell. Nothing you can do about it really. Before EP came out my loots were amazing, now they suck balls literally.


I don't pk for loots lol

  • 3 months later...


become a pvp pker, not bh


ughh same sht happens to me ill have weeks without a good drop and then ill have 1 random day where i get good drops...

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