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0verated_pk Pk vid #3/Bh vid one.

0verated pk

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Failed editing, don't like it.

0verated pk

Wow lucas? Im not like I pk mods I or other good editers. I kinda did it good this time so why blame me.

Your comment: donnt like it, no good editing. m8, you could atleast say nice vid for the rest of all..

O well, your choise.


The camera view was all over, and their was a lot of unneeded transitions in the middle of fights. Don't go so overboard with the editing, it can ruin good pking videos. Also, practice with getting the right camera views, I don't like having to adjust to a new view every 3 seconds. Too many flashes, etc.

0verated pk

Sorry guys, but thats just the style i edit lol...

Many friends/people like it so yea. Your choise. But I dont care really much. Thanks for help but not that usefull.

Peace :huh:

0verated pk

Atleast before you comment, think about yourself. Its not that simple to make a vid just in 1 second. I dont see that you have ever made vids so wait with commenting before blaming someone.



I remember you from Old bh :)

It was quite good - 6/10


Wow lucas? I'm not like I pk mods I or other good editors. I kinda did it good this time so why blame me.

Your comment: don't like it, no good editing. m8, you could at least say nice vid for the rest of all..

O well, your choise.

My name is Lukas not lucas.

The camera was always centered, using retarded effects for every clip, and editing isn't only adding effects.

0verated pk

Ok sorry lucas ;)

But what you mean with the camara was always centered?

Peace  ^_^


7/10, editing wasnt that bad. vid was enjoyable


Enjoyed it.

You should show us a stat pic tho.. was reluctant to view.


Like the intro (with your name)

Timer effect is way misplaced. (and useless)

Like the sphere-ish effect are 2:18

Rain around 2:55 looks fake. (sorry, doesn't really feel like it should).

First song is OK, was too bored to watch the rest of the vid.

Hope I'm not getting attacked for my comments like you attacked Lukas...


Kid x goku x

Quite over edited, but I think the clips themselves were quite good, though the camera angles were sometimes a bit off.



Atleast before you comment, think about yourself. Its not that simple to make a vid just in 1 second. I dont see that you have ever made vids so wait with commenting before blaming someone.


first of all, Why bother posting if you dont care about our opinions?

second, we know it ain't simple to make a proper vid we aint like 8year old kids.

and third,

I dont see that you have ever made vids so wait with commenting before blaming someone.

, who else to blame then you? you made this damn vid didnt you?

On topic:

I rate this video a 6/10

Some flashes really made me blind for 2seconds but the pking wasnt that bad i guess

goodluck with the next pk vid

0verated pk

Thanks guys.


I just made a comment on youtube it went like this

Lmao at me being in 7:51 I didn't even remember that Overall the pking was very nice and you used the right variety of weapons and even so the vid seemed monotonous. This is because of the editing you should work on making editing so subtle that people don't notice it but the vid looks great to them. When you learn how to edit good then you can try some i pk mods i stuff :p search this guide "q s k king vegas guide" gl in future videos


:::t7emon arrow godsword pure

Loved the intro that said overated pk and was flashing went very well with the music too good job on vid. You work on your event pan cropping skills on vegas try to keep the pan at a constant ratio or your vid will look choppy, if you look at my pk video it's always about the same ratio in a pk clip unless im zooming.

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