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Magicks V2 - Progress thread


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I - About me

II -  Most Recent Picture

III - Goals

IV - Acheivements

V - Bank

VI - Supporters list

I. My name is Jake. I have played runescape for over 5 years. I know almost everything about this game, but the one area that I was never good in was PvP. Pvp combat always was fun to me even though I wasnt good at it. I recently am starting a new pure in hope of being able to do the one fun thing left in this game. PK!


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Stat - Reason

99 Magic - Barrage/ TB and if im at 94 anyway I might aswell get one of the best looking capes

99 Range - I plan on Maging and Ranging as main combat forms

11 Prayer - Dt reqs - No point in protecting an ancient staff when I have to risk that much to get a drop

HP ? - Whatever it ends up to be is fine with me

Melee Stats - TBD

1 Defence - Stay as low combat as possible


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Will be updated constantly



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Supporters List

- Magicks


Nice so far, Gl with the rest. :nice:


Nice so far, Gl with the rest. :nice:

O wow, didnt know anyone in FOE had the name magick

Thanks though


lol ;p gl on the mage man


lol ;p gl on the mage man

Thanks, I think im sticking with just mage until atleast 70 then i might start ranging


Some good looking goals you got there, make sure u keep 11 pray for ever, and dont get above 60 atk.


Thats some huge goals being that low lvl lol, maybe you should make some minor goals to reach first :p

But goodluck!


Thats some huge goals being that low lvl lol, maybe you should make some minor goals to reach first :p

But goodluck!

Yes, there some big goals but those are long term. I dont plan on finishing them anytime soon. Short term would probably be 82 mage 70 range... then going on from there.

Add me ingame im so bored atm

X Pwnz0r X

good luck man, i support ;)


Goodluck with your goals :nice:

I support.

Kid x goku x


GL, Nice name, nice goals.

Similar to mine!

add meeeee

hybrid rawr

nice goals, and good luck, gratz on the mage level

Iz Ahrim Iz

Gl, so many people making low pray pures now...


Thanks for all your support, any advice on what I should alch to lose like 50-75 gp per alch?


Gl, but why did you make a new acc?


Gl, but why did you make a new acc?

New account as apposed to what other one? im not Magick... Didn't know he was even registered on here and tbh thats an amazing name


Oh sorry for that.

Goodluck like I said above.

How did you get gp's on tere?

Tap U Hard

Good luck man, Gratz on the mage, keep up the post im looking forward to keeping up with it.


Oh sorry for that.

Goodluck like I said above.

How did you get gp's on tere?

Np, I had an old pure named I V Iagicks though, so thats why this is Magicks v2.... snapegrass then merchanting... took awhile.... starting range now


you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?


Best of luck

Theres a long way to go, but no doubt if you work hard you'll get there :D


Thanks for all the support, but I really need an item that is good to alch so that I lose less than 100 gp per alch. If anyone could tell me one thatd be great. And perferably be able to buy somewhat large quantities of it on ge

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