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Registering & Identifying IRC Nicknames

Uaex V Jad

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Posted (edited)

How To Register An Account On (Swift)Irc:
First login to swiftirc on swiftkit using any name on any #channel. Then insert the following commands.

/nick Desired-Nickname (Example: [Foe]Uaex_V_Jad)
/ns register Password Password Email Email (Enter a SAFE password x2 that you will remember! And your Email x2)
Now goto your email, inbox, and read your new email with further instructions.
You will get an activation code. Enter it on Irc.
/ns confirm XXXXXXXX

How To (Auto)Identify On (Swift)Irc:
What does Identifying mean?
The answer is simply, when you register an IRC nickname, only you are allowed to use it, it means the nickname is reserved for you, the only way you can use it is toy Identify your nickname by inserting your password.

If you are using Swiftkit: Just enter the name you've registered, enter your password and the channel and you're good to go:

If you need to manually identify, or if you don't use Swiftkit:
/nick Nickname (the nickname you've registered)
/ns id Password (the password you've chosen to use)

How To Group Nicknames on (Swift)Irc:
Start off from the start again by registering a new nickname (top of this topic).
Once you have it registered, Identify on it (see quote above this one).
/ns group target password
Where target is the name you want to group it to and password is the password of target.
You can now use both nicknames with the same password (Password will be password of your main account = Password of target).

Edited by Co0kiezs
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Now it's    /ns register register Password Password Email


Cheerz earz

Y4nk33 D33s

good guide  B)


thnx, this helped me alot :D  :nice:

  • 4 weeks later...
r e b q r n

I registered my nickname.. rebqrn I got the email and everything I confirmed it and it said it's now valid blah blah blah, so I went into the foe irc and I have been for the past few days but today I tried and it said "you need a registered nick" so I tried again and I got the internet error message.

Is that anything I should be worried about? Is it just because my internet is sketchy?


omg lol

i've going to support they can't help me , this guide helps me alot

vinnie | hybrid

thanks for the help :D

Spark bladez

Very helpful and informative.

  • 2 weeks later...

thanks mate helped alot.

  • 4 weeks later...

how do i do this on irc i dont use swiftkit but i use TIKO =/

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Great guide for people new to irc!



Thanks, helped alot with me registering for when i finally app  :nice:


Wow. Without this guide i would have never understood how to do it. Thanks for all the help foe. :)


helpful also u can go to #irchelp and ask

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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