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t7emon Arrow GodSword pure, Hybrid PK video 3 (PVP / BH) {D claws, BGS, SS, etc}


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The video:

A preety old screenshot of my stats but not much has changed

Posted Image

Only like a day of pking spoils preety lucky with targets that day tbh.


And now here is the link the vid is my best material yet hybriding in the last days of pvp and the new days of bounty hunter :) comment rate and subscribe if you like it constructive criticism appreciated :)

The video link once more:


nice vid, editing and loots

but why insult every1 around?

Iz Ahrim Iz

Not bad but too much clawin for my taste.


nice vid, editing and loots

but why insult every1 around?

How does he insult? everyone calls him a nerd, and he says Gf 9x outa 10, and i loved that "berserker helm pro's over fire cape"  <3 nice vid, and the Revenge clips where sick, also sick edit

Tap U Hard

cool vid man, well edited nice kills, get 99 hp =P

fire cape kill was hallerious


Haha thanks for the comments guys :D I'll try and decrease the clawing and say gf 10/10 times I don't say gf to nh kids and flamers though :o


I liked it 9/10

edit was abit over, but it was okay

as for the pking, i think u r proper gud


I think in this video I b=needed to definetly use claws less I tried to have variety to make people watch the whole video I'll try to get some epic k0s b4 the next video is released thx for the feed back people.


nice vid, editing and loots

but why insult every1 around?

How does he insult? everyone calls him a nerd, and he says Gf 9x outa 10, and i loved that "berserker helm pro's over fire cape"  <3 nice vid, and the Revenge clips where sick, also sick edit

There is always (almost) a reason for ppl to call the one who koed u a nerd. I never get called a noob/nerd after fighting with honour.

Anyways it is a good vid with a nice editing, I was just wondering why so many people were saying nerd when dying...  :omg:

Dave (Cha0s)

As other said, Too much clawing, and not enough risk when skulling.


Want to make a nice pk video? Use weapons that'll max above 30, aka not claws. Some of the music was a bit old imo as well. Was some pretty nice hybrid clips, but some extremely poor ones as well. Like when you had 3 people piling someone in multi and you couldn't KO them. With the title I was expecting a lot more god sword action than range -> dds. Please next time you want to advertise your video find a better way. Playing on High Detail is a plus I suppose since most people can't pk on it. Looks cute.

Overall 7/10


As other said, Too much clawing, and not enough risk when skulling.

Lol I was gutted when I smited that whip and found out I forgot to take my cash because I was in a rush to get out :( I 37-34 smited with SS then claws for ko :)

Want to make a nice pk video? Use weapons that'll max above 30, aka not claws. Some of the music was a bit old imo as well. Was some pretty nice hybrid clips, but some extremely poor ones as well. Like when you had 3 people piling someone in multi and you couldn't KO them. With the title I was expecting a lot more god sword action than range -> dds. Please next time you want to advertise your video find a better way. Playing on High Detail is a plus I suppose since most people can't pk on it. Looks cute.

Overall 7/10

Fair comment Im working on getting an ags but im not very rich so it's going to take me a while maybe this summer if im lucky :) playing on HD is hard because of the lag but yea that hybrid clip was only there because the location was nice and I liked me holding the GS whilst blitzing :)

good video critique I appreciate it thanks :o

nice vid, editing and loots

but why insult every1 around?

How does he insult? everyone calls him a nerd, and he says Gf 9x outa 10, and i loved that "berserker helm pro's over fire cape"  <3 nice vid, and the Revenge clips where sick, also sick edit

There is always (almost) a reason for ppl to call the one who koed u a nerd. I never get called a noob/nerd after fighting with honour.

Anyways it is a good vid with a nice editing, I was just wondering why so many people were saying nerd when dying...  :omg:

As for people calling me a nerd some people just can't take it when they die in a fair fight I am an honor pker essential but If I am prayed on I will pray back etc. Watch video 2 I think this video had like 2 clips of people flaming me so it looks bad lols


nice vid, editing and loots

but why insult every1 around?

How does he insult? everyone calls him a nerd, and he says Gf 9x outa 10, and i loved that "berserker helm pro's over fire cape"  <3 nice vid, and the Revenge clips where sick, also sick edit

There is always (almost) a reason for ppl to call the one who koed u a nerd. I never get called a noob/nerd after fighting with honour.

Anyways it is a good vid with a nice editing, I was just wondering why so many people were saying nerd when dying...  :omg:

I'm honour and I get called nerd/noob all the time when I'm pking.

I even get called a noob when I got 3 99's but because I'm wearing mith or initiate they call me a noob.

I'ts funny B).

Good vid bro! :D


Lol @ the ppl who call u nerd because they die, wannabe pkers ftw.

I don't get why ppl say "too much claws" Back in the day the only weapons ppl used where whip n dds...


I enjoyed the video, you failed to ko with claws quite a few times which from what i've seen in vids is uncommon :S But at least you get the kills eventually.


I enjoyed the video, you failed to ko with claws quite a few times which from what i've seen in vids is uncommon :S But at least you get the kills eventually.

Haha when you have claws you realise how much they fail you lol I hit so many 01 specs on tanks and 120's it was ridiculous :\ don't get me wrong they own but they can also fail hard..lol


Very nice bro.

Crue Nation

Great vid, sick hits and nice loots. 5/5


Haha thanks sub comment and rate on youtube! :)


Good vid, nice variation in gear, places & weapons (really good) nice full-screen clips & editinge etc, didnt like first song though :p

Keep up the good work :)


Good vid, nice variation in gear, places & weapons (really good) nice full-screen clips & editinge etc, didnt like first song though :p

Keep up the good work :)

Thanks for that comment I appreciate it :D btw watch vid 2 your in it :D dh legs ftw lol

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