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The most evil people...


out of the following who do you believe is the most evil, besides me jk...muhahahaha  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. out of the following who do you believe is the most evil, besides me jk...muhahahaha

    • Adolf Hitler
    • Saddam Hussein
    • Genghis Khan
    • Osama Bin Laden
    • Other....name them

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From a discussion forum after he starred in discouvery's "Most Evil":

I can't remember his name but he held these women hostage in his basement and he ruined their eardrums so they couldn't hear him and would turn up the music to mask their screaming. He would rape them daily b/c he wanted them to have his babies so he could create his own "race". One of them died from electricution and when the 2nd one died of starvation he chopped her up and put her in the blender with a can of dogfood and made the other 3 girls eat it. *gag* Anyway, one of the girls got free and told the police and he was captured...

Say hi to Gary M. Heidnik

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Hitler wasn't really "Evil" on purpose, he thought he was doing it for to make his country great, oh and take over the world.

Thats the worst thing, if they don't know there "evil" they will go insane and cause more havok.
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Kim Jong il is quite bad for almost being a terrorist, threatening to start wars if they arent given their freedom to become an unpredictable threat to the world. Also for almost having an opressive rule in Korea.

I would have said Fritzl because most of these people made their killing decisions from offices not seeing the consequences of their actions. Fritzl on the other hand did these acts to his own blood, directly too them. He knew what he was doing and he didnt care.

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North Korean leader, have no idea how to spell his name.

Kim Jong Il...

Yah there have been hundreds of thousands of evil people through out history it is impossible to name them all...but I think right now North Korea is probably the most dangerous and unpredictable threat to the world considering they do these nuclear missile test even though America and the rest of the world has told them not to...Here is North Korea at night...no lights???

North Korea has a curfew for every citizen. Probably kill you if your out after it.

That's where all teh ninjas live =D

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Adolf Hitler---Dictator of Germany, responsible for the Holocaust.(the mass murdering of innocent Jews) :(

There is no such thing as the holocaust. http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Holocaust

I quote from this reputable source,

Hitler always maintained the Holocaust was a practical joke that got out of control.

Additionally, this may also shed some interesting information on this

The Jews are a parasitic race that has been expelled from nearly every civilized nation they have ever set foot in. France didn't want them. Spain kicked them out. Even FDR didn't want a boatload of thieving Jews in his country and sent them back to get pwned by the Nazis. The Germans hated them with such a passion that we must constantly hear the whining lie that six million Jews were pwned during the Holocaust.

So according to AE, hitler wasn't evil and the holocaust was really the lollercaust where a bunch of people who couldn't concentrate went to camp to concentrate better.

Also, my great uncle was hurt pretty badly in a concentration camp. He got drunk and fell off a watch tower and shot his foot.

on a serious note, stalin was moar evil then hitler. 22million Russians died as a result of world war II alone, I believe the western allies lost roughly 800,000 troops. additionally, stalin is my hero like Karl Marx because it pisses people off when you quote them.

Also, Hitler was anhero which makes him badass. actually it makes him an emo fagt who couldn't face what he did so he cowardly popped himself.

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Posted Image

This is Josef Fritzl, he sure looks evil lol...

Best dad ever... Brings a tear to my eye!

I'd let him babysit anybody.

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Adolf Hitler---Dictator of Germany, responsible for the Holocaust.(the mass murdering of innocent Jews) :(

There is no such thing as the holocaust. http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Holocaust

I quote from this reputable source,

Hitler always maintained the Holocaust was a practical joke that got out of control.

Additionally, this may also shed some interesting information on this

The Jews are a parasitic race that has been expelled from nearly every civilized nation they have ever set foot in. France didn't want them. Spain kicked them out. Even FDR didn't want a boatload of thieving Jews in his country and sent them back to get pwned by the Nazis. The Germans hated them with such a passion that we must constantly hear the whining lie that six million Jews were pwned during the Holocaust.

So according to AE, hitler wasn't evil and the holocaust was really the lollercaust where a bunch of people who couldn't concentrate went to camp to concentrate better.

Also, my great uncle was hurt pretty badly in a concentration camp. He got drunk and fell off a watch tower and shot his foot.

on a serious note, stalin was moar evil then hitler. 22million Russians died as a result of world war II alone, I believe the western allies lost roughly 800,000 troops. additionally, stalin is my hero like Karl Marx because it pisses people off when you quote them.

Also, Hitler was anhero which makes him badass. actually it makes him an emo fagt who couldn't face what he did so he cowardly popped himself.

One of the rules are, NOT FUCKING TROLLING.

And on a side note, your newfaggotry makes me facepalm.

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Adolf Hitler---Dictator of Germany, responsible for the Holocaust.(the mass murdering of innocent Jews) :(

There is no such thing as the holocaust. http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Holocaust

I quote from this reputable source,

Hitler always maintained the Holocaust was a practical joke that got out of control.

Additionally, this may also shed some interesting information on this

The Jews are a parasitic race that has been expelled from nearly every civilized nation they have ever set foot in. France didn't want them. Spain kicked them out. Even FDR didn't want a boatload of thieving Jews in his country and sent them back to get pwned by the Nazis. The Germans hated them with such a passion that we must constantly hear the whining lie that six million Jews were pwned during the Holocaust.

So according to AE, hitler wasn't evil and the holocaust was really the lollercaust where a bunch of people who couldn't concentrate went to camp to concentrate better.

Also, my great uncle was hurt pretty badly in a concentration camp. He got drunk and fell off a watch tower and shot his foot.

on a serious note, stalin was moar evil then hitler. 22million Russians died as a result of world war II alone, I believe the western allies lost roughly 800,000 troops. additionally, stalin is my hero like Karl Marx because it pisses people off when you quote them.

Also, Hitler was anhero which makes him badass. actually it makes him an emo fagt who couldn't face what he did so he cowardly popped himself.

One of the rules are, NOT FUCKING TROLLING.

And on a side note, your newfaggotry makes me facepalm.

I'll quit trolling :( It was just the topic. But I was serious to an extent in it.

And yes DJ, I was very sarcastic, the holocaust did happen and several people were killed by state sponsored genocide.

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I'll quit trolling :( It was just the topic. But I was serious to an extent in it.

And yes DJ, I was very sarcastic, the holocaust did happen and several people were killed by state sponsored genocide.

"several people were killed".....sounds like the dumbest thing I've ever heard i had more then several of my own family members die in the holocaust....

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I'll quit trolling :( It was just the topic. But I was serious to an extent in it.

And yes DJ, I was very sarcastic, the holocaust did happen and several people were killed by state sponsored genocide.

Lol, no worries. I laughed.

But it was a bit drawn out.  :wub:

"State sponsored genocide" LOL

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I'll quit trolling :( It was just the topic. But I was serious to an extent in it.

And yes DJ, I was very sarcastic, the holocaust did happen and several people were killed by state sponsored genocide.

"several people were killed".....sounds like the dumbest thing I've ever heard i had more then several of my own family members die in the holocaust....

I've had more than several eh? so several is an undefined plural amount of a quantity of somthing measurable. If you have more than several thats simmilar to saying %inf < %inf +1 which mathematically is contradictory b/c %inf + 1 = %inf.

good logic has you sir. %inf = infinity.

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I'll quit trolling :( It was just the topic. But I was serious to an extent in it.

And yes DJ, I was very sarcastic, the holocaust did happen and several people were killed by state sponsored genocide.

"several people were killed".....sounds like the dumbest thing I've ever heard i had more then several of my own family members die in the holocaust....

I've had more than several eh? so several is an undefined plural amount of a quantity of somthing measurable. If you have more than several thats simmilar to saying %inf < %inf +1 which mathematically is contradictory b/c %inf + 1 = %inf.

good logic has you sir. %inf = infinity.


I don't even think you understand this bullshit...lol

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I don't even think you understand this bullshit...lol

Yea i do, I just butchered the use of limits.

for example, Lim[N--> +/- Infinity] of (x + 1) = +/- infinity

for more complex limits (infinity / infinity) or (0/0) type limits such as lim(x--> 1) of [ ln(x)/(1-x)] which would be (1/x)/(1) = 1

you could also use the squeeze theorem too, which I won't explain.

Additionally for non elementary functions (IE S(e^(x^2)dx) where S(a,b) denotes the inetergral symbol you could use the convergences or divergences theorem to see if it diverges or converges.

to be honest, its really not important if you don't think I understand this, I know that I understand it and that is fine enough for me. Additionally, it is not bull shit, your mentally deficient and cannot discern what I have to say and from your ignorance you attempt to hide it by your use of spite towards me in a vain endevour of profanity and vulgarity.

additionally, define the following statements for me, please (undefined, or defined. If defined, provide it)

infinity - infinity = _____

infinity + infinity = ______

infinty / infinity = ______

infinity ^0 = _____

1^infinity = _____

cosh(i) = _____

sinh(i) = ______

Cosh(x)^2- Sinh(x)^ 2 = _____

just a few, as I don't want to tax your infeiror knowledge of simple limits. to make it even better, if its undefined, you don't need to explain why, just state it. If you really want to impress me, provide me with an example of each one and then i'll contemplete  repudating my remarks towards you. Really, they are elemtary in nature and should not be difficult.

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Tap U Hard

all are horrible but Hitler was just a little too... smartly insane of a murder for me. The fact that he was able to kill that many people says a lot.

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