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F.O.E. ive followed you all since ive first started to play rs and knew what a pure was when my irl m8 1st pked i mahatma i

on his main i been following you all finally got to join on an old account 9 1 0 h x c....... anyways i saw this fag was

my targ and said hey ur foe right.... he replys yes ur that grungy kid from OT.... anyways after this he been flamming

talkin bs like a 12 yr old about my irl pics n how i have a mole etc blah blah but et i get more ass then he does air.....



Nice run....... figured since he knew me from foe would be mutual respect n dm shouldnt have to ask.... anywho.......



Run ur mouth more kid.....


Ask to dm on the start


Ask to dm on the start

i guess i should have but i figured he wouldnt run.... bet if i didnt ko 2nd time he would have ran again..........


This topic has done nothing but make me see how immature you are


Its the Net man, fuck what people say.. all i can see here is that his troll was successful lol


This topic has done nothing but make me see how immature you are


<3 u all make me smile, sry was a member of foe.. he flammed chat afterwards and pissed me off, real mature FOE....?

N like f5 sig....Haters gonna hate?

Just shows how lil 15 yr old kids that run there mouth rub me the wrong way and i was a lil drunk...my bad dang lol

Creamie pies

Rofl kid, I see you as a targ im wearing full quest gear and here you are wearing a anti sheld p neck and hugging rune knifes. L2 targ bro. When you have some balls to dm me with 10m cash and no shit life savers then you tell me after all you say 10m isnt nothig, Put your money where your mouth is kid.

Edit: Nice 500k loot and friends list ^.^


GREAT topic

just kidding you fail./


LOVEN it hate more please!!!!!!!

like i said i use onyx bolts why not use anti and u sir actually used ur p neckless and i was using a power ty..... why waste a glory on u when u safe ur ass off etc anyways 15 yr old im done wit ur arguing bulls4it grow up k


This topic has done nothing but make me see how immature you are


this  is serious business

Gareth l Rare

Creamie has his moments of acting like a lil kid but we all love him dearly coz he gives us lulz

For you not being able to see a obvious troll = more lulz

Also, he didnt telly or anything so you cant really get all hardcore about exposing him?

Tbh just makes you look like a kid. Look i dont have anything against you but your just making it worse for yourself by boasting over 1 kill when it was welfare


LOL cool story but nice loot


well about time the flames stopped was startin to think all foe had a hard on for this kid but ya hes always acted like since since 2 yrs ago when i WAS foe its just crazy some people dont grow up and like i said beer had a lil to do with the anger as well lolz so just every1 stop postin let this post die or some1 with editing powers just lock or delete post ty


This topic has done nothing but make me see how immature you are


This topic has done nothing but make me see how immature you are

K #care stop quoten same shish! ffs


unless you agree to a DM, its not required to stay till death in a normal fight.. you stupid?

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