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45 / 70 Defence

Pkz Zammy

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45 Def w/o turmoil seems shit 70 def is ok but being pure is nice, just make another pure then deicide. 


Stay ini pure IMO

Whenever you max something there's always another account build that owns you, ini pures got runepures. Runepures got piety kids, maxed runepures are at a lvl where all mains got ags and veng.

Get 94 Mage b4 u consider def


Losing my YouTube popularity




go 70 if you like main pking (gwd should make you bank for turmoil pretty fast i think)

45 sounds not as a good choice without turmoil :S


be turmoil zerker i'd say, or normal, 70 will make you bored in weeks


45 is more ownage with turmoil


fuck turmoil get 70def.


Wow dude, Whatsup i havent talked to you since PVP

Yea bro, i maxed out melle with 20def it sucks at 100combat... It isnt worth it.

Its just that you can use firecape/Defender without loosing permantly which made an initiate pure good..

rather than these days... the average gear is mith kite/team cape rofl.

Yea i quit haha glad to hear from u

Guest Emote|Muse

Youtube popularity? I've never heard of you.

Robyn| lnch

Become a main and go brid. 20 defense isnt even a pure. Call it what you want but at 20 def you get wrecked.


If you have to get def get 45. It makes it funner as your not sitting there waiting for a lucky hit and getting hit 0-0-0-0-0-300-0-138-0-0-0-300-0-0


lmao im 20 def br0 iL0VE IT.

Best thing i ever did on my account. the reason is this : your expecting to kill kids in edge at your combat? if your still pking 1v1 with initiate in the first place thats retarted. ONly time i'll 1v1 if i have claws/ statius.

I only brid in pvp worlds or at east drags. try hyridding lol it's so much better. If you don't wanna brid and stick to 1v1 go zerk. Gl fighting the maxed turmoil dudes tho :p

and barrows gloves

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