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my day of pking on edgeveille


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well today after me was killing dargons.. i went to find my target and died 2 his tema and lost all my bolt -.- so i said grr and tryed a 76k  B) got me 2 bandose skrim shaws and a d long.. sold my skrims and long and then bot more pk supplies.. then i died a few times for my dds and arrows  :embarrased: but eventualy i got relly lucky in a relly crazey fight.! there waz a guy that was in a fite but sum dum noob ranger stole his fite so he ataked me(big BIG MISS TAKE!!!!) :victory: so i proseed to fite this guy (littel did i no he was a def noob) until he put on his rune pl8 and legs tht he was hideing -.- but then 4 som reason he tooked his platebody off :rolleyes: and i hit him a 220-280 dds spesh and he died! so i rsee a d skim on the pile and i right clicl but guess wot else waz there! seeran satuette! sara statuet and another bandos skrimshaw!!! i loot my loot and start rynning to the bank and get 2 manrith sell my stuff now im 1.2,000,000 gold richer  ^_^  :lmao: i waz so happy =')

Guest Emote|Muse


keep it up little buddy


good for you my little buddy. i hope your luck gets even better champ!


Pk a dictionary next time


your my faverote pker


Pk a dictionary next time



yes i no,.. mine english not best, bien learnen it for only 4 yrs... so plz do not flamed me about my englis because im learnen it still at skool


yes i no,.. mine english not best, bien learnen it for only 4 yrs... so plz do not flamed me about my englis because im learnen it still at skool


Guest Emote|Muse

yes i no,.. mine english not best, bien learnen it for only 4 yrs... so plz do not flamed me about my englis because im learnen it still at skool


You're a fucking idiot.


your English isn't that bad :)

nice story dude next time you should get some pics cause it makes the story a lot more cool to read :D

oh and what's your stats on your account?

Shut Up Kid


keep it up little buddy

Pk a dictionary next time

your my faverote pker

all of those, this is the best thread on these forums by far.


Get rich and sell your gold so you can buy a new moped and go crow hunting  :nice:


make pk vid plez plez


Pk a dictionary next time



you're my hero, seriously


Pk a dictionary next time


Don't forget the thesaurus.


know one thing lemkiis

i love you <3 <3 <3 <3


Pk a dictionary next time

Shut Up Kid

obvious troll is obvious

you're fucking retarded.


obvious troll is obvious

you're fucking retarded.

u mad bro?

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