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my day of pking on edgeveille


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Nice read! Made my day  :nice:


th'ank you all =) as for mine pk video, i am w8in for me bro kaunas to get bak from trip he goes on, he has the video camrea so i cant make my pk vid yet =(


th'ank you all =) as for mine pk video, i am w8in for me bro kaunas to get bak from trip he goes on, he has the video camrea so i cant make my pk vid yet =(

you don't need a video camera, makes the vid look bad, USE HYPERCAM, FRAPS OR CAMTASIA STUDIOS, u can download them and register them for free with a keygan

Shut Up Kid

obvious troll is obvious

you're fucking retarded.

u mad bro?




Can't wait to see your vid lil guy! :D


obvious troll is obvious

shut the fuck up seriously your not cool or funny for saying that..


yea anyone trolling this is fucking pathetic

give the guy a break.. i hate reading shit like this.

someone is excited about a pk, maybe doesn't have the best english, and you flame him for it.

not all of you.. but the ones that did. grow up a bit

trolling and being racist pricks isn't cool, your all probably just tryign to make yourselves feel better because your losers in real life.

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