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idea to rape one itemers :3


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Ok, basiclly. my idea too stop one iteming in bh +1 worlds is;

That if you only have one item on you, the "+1" effect that yo uget on worlds 18 and 65 will not apply, so say If you only had one item, an armadyl godsword.

It would not be protected in the case that you die.

BUT. If you have an armadyl godsword, and 76k+ risk with you, when you die you will keep your most valuable item that you have, I.E. the Armadyl Godsword.

This stops the One itemers, without effecting anybody else.



jagex wont ever do that cause they hate pkers

but why make them lose their weps WHEN u can make it so ur not allowed to go to a hot zone or wildy or non hot zone like in pvp worlds without 76k risk


jagex wont ever do that cause they hate pkers

but why make them lose their weps WHEN u can make it so ur not allowed to go to a hot zone or wildy or non hot zone like in pvp worlds without 76k risk

Because there will always be fucktarded people with a pak yak that will go into bh with 76k risk and a yak + winter storage scroll/imp box and bank the risk once theyre in the hotzone. which means they'd be able to one item happily.

This way there is no way around it.


+1 worlds are shit.. end of.

Shut Up Kid

jagex wont ever do that cause they hate pkers

but why make them lose their weps WHEN u can make it so ur not allowed to go to a hot zone or wildy or non hot zone like in pvp worlds without 76k risk

i watch my friends pk alot, this would stop that, thus making it a bad idea, 3a has a good idea here.


Goood Idea, Would stop alot of noobs wasting peoples supplies (y)


jagex wont ever do that cause they hate pkers

but why make them lose their weps WHEN u can make it so ur not allowed to go to a hot zone or wildy or non hot zone like in pvp worlds without 76k risk

i watch my friends pk alot, this would stop that, thus making it a bad idea, 3a has a good idea here.

You watch your friends pk? Wow


jagex wont ever do that cause they hate pkers

but why make them lose their weps WHEN u can make it so ur not allowed to go to a hot zone or wildy or non hot zone like in pvp worlds without 76k risk

Because there will always be fucktarded people with a pak yak that will go into bh with 76k risk and a yak + winter storage scroll/imp box and bank the risk once theyre in the hotzone. which means they'd be able to one item happily.

This way there is no way around it.

not many people have yaks and they can make it so u cant use imp or yak to bank ur stuff unless u have risk aka

it wont let u bank the last item you have thats the risk

Guest Emote|Muse

or you could just hop to non +1



Goood Idea, Would stop alot of noobs wasting peoples supplies (y)

The fuck have you been past 2-3 years

O InstinctZ

Yes i agree though it will not change though

Shut Up Kid

jagex wont ever do that cause they hate pkers

but why make them lose their weps WHEN u can make it so ur not allowed to go to a hot zone or wildy or non hot zone like in pvp worlds without 76k risk

i watch my friends pk alot, this would stop that, thus making it a bad idea, 3a has a good idea here.

You watch your friends pk? Wow

you wouldn't understand since you don't have any, hope you get declined, faggot.


Stop the flame war, or get the fuck off my thread.



or you could just hop to non +1


what if you're pking with claws/ags or something

OT: full support, 1 itemers are fucking fags


post on the thread if you support, people.


I fucking h8 those fucking motherfucker one fucking item fuckers!


I supported, not sure how successful it will be but I rage at 1 itemers all the time so I had to support.

Also, your topic name should not be a question and should have to instead of too.

Good luck, I have a list of suggestions that I am going to post up in a week or so when I have spare time.

Cellblock A

i support the idea but its not gonna happen


+1 is so fuckin sad anyway, u spend more cash on healing and using food from 1 item rush attempts, than the money u save on the item ur protecting..


I fucking h8 those fucking motherfucker one fucking item fuckers!


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