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Xi Aphex Xi PvP Video 3 Turmoil Pure - Extinction


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very nice vid  ^_^

liked the risk, hybriding and hits

great spec near end aswell


will edit.

Idk if it was song chose or editing style. Wasn't super impressed. Nice hits/risk rushes.

Robyn| lnch

Tip: show inventory next time when vidding.

on vid: boring. slowpaced


liked the vid just sometimes had a slow pace to it and small enough screen?


tbh it didnt look like your switches are very fast. and also like inch said show invo next time. otherwise it was a pretty nice vid and account. keep it up :nice:

Ranger Ltu21

shit song,overground decorations. >.> next time u shoulnt do u it... good pk.


Didn't like the vid tbh =/

It's like you hind behind statius and expensive weapons.

It would also be great with some more variation in the hybridding clips, i only saw Mystic -> Statius.

The rushing clips were just lame as rushing doesn't require any skills.

Also get rid of tabs, they make me sad.

Edit: The infinity -> Range -> Claw clip was actually pretty good, more of those pls.


inventory would be cool. nice vid anyway

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