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The Undisputed Rules of the Wilderness


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This is insanely accurate lol. :o

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Lmao, I laughed really so funny! xD

Even though I'm not a member, I do agree with you.

  • 4 weeks later...

Good read, even paused my show to read this haha (i know its way outdated)

  • 3 weeks later...

Nice topic, some funny answers to the obvious questions.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Agreed teleing is apart of single, if they can't KO you before you're out they don't deserve your kill

  • 4 weeks later...

The cold hard fuckin truth.



Carried by dragon killers in 2004-2005 and has since moved into the inventories of the players. Usually 60-70% of them. Indicates you are not worth anyone's time and have every right to be rushed/no honoured/tagged/etc.


Who gives a fuck if you're 10 levels lower? You're in an area where you can be attacked therefore you have no right to complain. "Let me pot." Let me walk away from this fight because you should be prepared 24/7. Unless you are in multi and it's 10v1 and Jad is attacking you then don't do it.


That sucks, if you didn't do any of the two previous before then you're probably older than 12. Don't complain. You know the risks of walking in don't bitch at people because you aren't ready.


If you can't keep attacking an opponent within five seconds of them not attacking you then either get a better mouse or learn how to click


If you have the magic level, go for it. They shouldn't complain. If they pray then you know you're better than they are and should either smite back or just run. They aren't worth your time.

No Turmoil/SS/Piety/etc

Because they're expecting you're going to hit 50 every hit and therefore the only prays you're allowed to use are redemption (even some people complain about this) and steel skin.

Phoenix Necklaces

If you can't kill them then train your stats better, just because you can't hit doesn't mean you can complain about them being healed.

Heal/Venge Other/DON'T VENG I'M NOT 94 MAGE

Yes it's annoying, incredibly, but if you have no friends that have 94 magic then suck it up and turn on your aid and hope someone does the same to you. Don't cry if you don't have the level.

No Dragon Bolts

Who the fuck do you think you are telling the other people what they can and can't use in a fight? Buy some antifires and grow some balls.

No Shield/helm/legs/cape/etc

Sry bro lemme just take off my weapon too since it's probably too difficult for you with that on as well.

No Miasmic

The 2010 way of saying firing at accurate or longranged is too slow for me therefore you are no honour.

Ring of Life

Because caring more about the 200k you might lose is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the 2M you might get.

Dds DM Cheating

You're a moron for not checking their inventory before the fight then. If they use brews, suck it up, you should have too. What? They're venged? Wow bro that really sucks, go raise your magic. Recoils? Is there anything you don't complain about?

Dragon Spearing


I have a targ

That really blows bro, unfortunately he's not here yet so man up.

Def is Too High

You're defence is too low then. Dumbass.


Either you're too illogical to realize that them safing makes their food go away faster or you want to make yourself feel better because you're hitting more than they are. Which one is it?


QUOTE: GF!!!! GAME!!!!! CYA!1!???

Because everyone knows that your 12-19 spec is dominant and it makes your dick grow hard when you see someone drop to the ground.

I'll think of more later.

YESSS my yearrr has just been madee <3
  • 4 weeks later...

wats a teleport in the firstplace?


Reading this made me chuckle.

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