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I don't mind safers that much.  It gets annoying, but it is part of the game.  Just like pjers.

What makes me mad, though, is when I eat at an hp level that I could get KO'd, they QQ and spam safer.  Then, they eat at 30+ hp, when my max with a 2h is only around 20. -.-

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Yeah people have to stay alive (unless u wanna lose ur items.. O.o) and i've had my fair shared of pjers shouting "safer" at me when they are the ones hiding in a safe zone only steeping out to rip a g maul or d bow spec, its rediculous! anyway, better not moan and whine otherwise you sink to their level (them moaning about so-called "safing")


It's annoying when people say your safing in P2p. There really isn't a way to "Safe" in p2p. People in f2p say it WAY to much though.

Y4nk33 D33s

safing is another way of saying "don't eat so i can k0 you faster"


Safing doesn't work for me being a lvl 83 pure.. Opp just keeps hitting 20s and i eat my sharks and become fat


if you paid for the food eat it how ever the fk u want to


if you paid for the food eat it how ever the fk u want to



The more food he/she eats the quicker he/she will run out of it.

Thats how I look at it.



Thats why I hate people in General.

Such arrogant idiots, ignore list ftw!


i completely agree with you man.


Safing in my opinion is an excuse for no ability to KO.

I was pking on my level 28 and as many people know tuna is the best solution for pking on low level pures, but the child I was fighting ate 2 or so lobbies when on 13 or so hp. Probs a first pure. It was fun when he ran and I killed him lol :D


I have the opposite of safing for everytime i have a targ in bh, don't even have to get 2h out :D most of the ppl in f2p are def noobs who can't type or anything :/ but i do agree in p2p there is alot of dumb people shouting safe, I really don't see the point of it, what's it going to achive or change?


I never call people safers.

I just say 'you eat like an american™'

It's my signature line. Copyrighted and All Rights Reserved. ® Ikz 2009.


I get called a safer for eatting twice l0l:D

When they call me safer, for eatting twice, they start to safe.

I say

'And yet, I'm the safer?™'

It's my signature line. Copyrighted and All Rights Reserved. ® Asa 2009.

Owned IKz


I usually say that's what fat kids irl like me do.

I'm not fat btw :).


Yea it plays with your mind by saying that, forcing you to eat at a lower hp. Therefore allowing them to have a higher chance to KO. Fuck those cunts.


idk safing can get really annoying in f2p.

ur f r 0 z e

lol and plus u gotta be dumb to listen u be u dont listen to em sheet if im a safer .ima be 1


Yea it plays with your mind by saying that, forcing you to eat at a lower hp. Therefore allowing them to have a higher chance to KO. Fuck those cunts.

Usally safe harder. lol

Have Uh Cry

The only time I call someone a safer is to make them eat less or get them to type to me and distract them

+1, its so funny watching them get worked up

And yeah why 'unsafe' so they can kill you? Don't people PK to kill people and die as little as possible?


Yh i agree with this. Even if they safe i dnt bitch, i say safe to distract them. Bt hey thts just me


i safe not to die, end of , :D


I usually stay low untill I see that dds or maul pop out.

I use anti dragon pots when I pk so it's not like i'll get downed by rangers easy.

The more they safe the less you have to eat and the faster they lose food.


There's no such thing as safing when everyone has dragon claws and there's twenty PJers next to you.

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