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Since when did F2p pkers have more honour than P2P ones? 0.0

severed arow

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severed arow

Ok so i got my membership lulz, i got to pvp and every fight ive been in i red barred them a few times they run out of food i have like over half an inv left and then they run?! in F2p like 1in 10 people ran from me wtf is with this?


2 words

since claws


New weapons and new updates brought in new idiots to PvP. It probably also has to do something with the risk factor. In P2p you generally lose a ton more than you do in F2p. Poor kids can't handle that.

severed arow

New weapons and new updates brought in new idiots to PvP. It probably also has to do something with the risk factor. In P2p you generally lose a ton more than you do in F2p. Poor kids can't handle that.

wtf im poor and usually risk 1m+ i dont care, i only have like 21 mill and a small stock of pvp equip 0.0


ask them for a dm?

severed arow

ask them for a dm?

i do every time a fightt they say yes they run dm means nothing apparently


Well, new weps havent helped..

When you f2p pk, you lose about 50k max if you stay to the death..

in P2P you stand to lose more.

severed arow

Well, new weps havent helped..

When you f2p pk, you lose about 50k max if you stay to the death..

in P2P you stand to lose more.

yeh but tbh 50k to a f2p is like 1 mill to a p2p


Well, new weps havent helped..

When you f2p pk, you lose about 50k max if you stay to the death..

in P2P you stand to lose more.

yeh but tbh 50k to a f2p is like 1 mill to a p2p

ever came in mind that those f2p pkers are actually p2p players :D soo.... yehh what you just sed isnt completely correct


Well, new weps havent helped..

When you f2p pk, you lose about 50k max if you stay to the death..

in P2P you stand to lose more.

yeh but tbh 50k to a f2p is like 1 mill to a p2p


50k is 50k.


If u die in f2p with a rune scim and r2h that's around 110k but yeah u hav 2 be poor if u can't lose dat


F2p pkers have always had more honor than p2p.


Running from a fight when out of food is pretty standard I believe, you probably just have high range and do more dps than them. Asking for a dm is no good because no-one keeps their word and a dm fight takes no skill anyway.


F2p pkers have always had more honor than p2p.

Cellblock A

F2p pkers have always had more honor than p2p.

this is true.

Its zeh noob

Well, new weps havent helped..

When you f2p pk, you lose about 50k max if you stay to the death..

in P2P you stand to lose more.

yeh but tbh 50k to a f2p is like 1 mill to a p2p


50k is 50k.

F2p 50k means less to me as 50k does in p2p. F2p stuff always buys in GE p2p doens't....

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