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My Pures Progess Report

Simple Man

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This is my pures progress report i did afk SW but my hp is taking a toll so i need to find somewhere else to train now if any suggestions please post.

Current Stats


My Goals

Attack [50][60]

Range [70][80][90][99]

Magic [82][94]

Prayer [44]

Quests Completed

Please post any tips thank you.


Someone in foe channel told me i should sw range and mage then do strength and get hp.


Well that's gonna leave u low hp anyways. Suggest you to sw mage but for other stats, go like throw some chins and camp bandits for example. Tho first get ur pray up, saw u decided to do it anyways.


you think i could train at ghouls yet?


Sw ur hp or do shit loads of ranging


sw to 60-62 hp then quest prayer and do dt.


Constitution needs some work... But everything else looks like it's coming along nicely.

Keep up the good work mate.

- Wackless


Grow some balls, do some quests.


Do quests, hope u have done most of the att-xp-giving-quests... or ur 50 att will be screwed

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