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Blitz U PK Vid 4 - 100% Hybriding - Maxed 70 atk Pure

Blitz  U

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Here it is

100% hybriding on a maxed 70 atk.



Pserver? wot lmfao



Not exactly hard to drop people on a Private Server is it...


will edit.




PServer, But Good Hybridding On It.

Good Job.


would've actually been a good vid if it was real haha :p


i  enjoyed the first 5 seconds... than i closed it


dude battlescape is being hacked over and over, shit private server

if you want pserver go play deltascape, 100x better than battlescape


dude battlescape is being hacked over and over, shit private server

if you want pserver go play deltascape, 100x better than battlescape

Since BattleScape PK it didn't got hacked once because the owner takes it seriously.

Last time I saw Deltascape it was some messed up server that tryed to look like actual RS and failed lol.

BattleScape has 900+ Players on on peak times and has active warring community wich is the most fun part of it ;).


dude battlescape is being hacked over and over, shit private server

if you want pserver go play deltascape, 100x better than battlescape

Since BattleScape PK it didn't got hacked once because the owner takes it seriously.

Last time I saw Deltascape it was some messed up server that tryed to look like actual RS and failed lol.

BattleScape has 900+ Players on on peak times and has active warring community wich is the most fun part of it ;).


battlescape can smd


Private server pking? And they said 09 pkers were shit ...

Edit: Carrying tabs on a private server, wtf.


Well +1 While I Can


I've played BattleScape before when I was shit bored... it's so easy to hybrid..


l0l'd u just embarrassed urself in front of everyone viewing this i also like how on top it says "runescape" instead of battlescape lmfao.

intro was alright i guess then i closed it.

Btw, can someone get a lock on this topic?


Like numbin ur spine on a thumb tack, like u slept on some

Now here i come screamin a-tack like i just stepped on one!

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