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I Havoq's Progress

I Havoq

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I Havoq's Progress

Hello FOE, I am I Havoq and this is my Pure’s Progress Topic. This account was made on the 1St of June 2010, however,  I have had a lot of revising and exams to do (n) but my last exam is tomorrow so as of tomorrow I’m going to be putting a lot more time into this pure and to make it look a lot better. I am currently getting requirments for quests so i can complete all of the quests available to pures as I want to make this pure as good as I can, aftern I have finished this I will be no-lifing my combat stats to reach the requirments of FOE

My goal is to be able to apply for FOE by the Summer break with at least the minimum requirements, I have a long way to go but I think ill be able to do it  :D.

The total amount of time i've spent on my account up to now:


Bank Wealth and Quest Items:




I'll try to update this Topic much as possible without posting everything I do.  :p. If it isn't to much trouble can you give me some feedback on how to make this as enjoyable to read as possible i.e more pictures of things, becuase I'm not that used to posting Topics  ^_^.


Try use tags with the pictures, people cbf clicking them.

0mfg me cb 3

gl making it a beast :nice:


Gl with ur acc


Thankyou all  :), Ben if you don't mind can you just quickly explain how i make them so you don't have to click the links?  :p

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