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New Generation Of Pures


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I feel like every couple of years a new generation of pures begin.

For Example (Correct me if I am wrong)

2004ish-2005 or 06ish Pure in one Combat Skill (You are either Pure Range, Mage, or Melee) Not really all three

2006ish-2007ish 2 Combat Skills for Comboing (Range-2h) (Range-Magic) (Magic/Melee) (Kids Ranqe begins hybriding on vids)

2007/2008= NO FUCKIN WILDY CEPT FUCKIN BH (Pures not in communities begin to dissappear)

Late 2008= PVP Worlds introduced, Pures are being created again, almost every fight lv 20-75 is a pure

2009= HYbriding/ Tribriding on pures, Summoning on Pures, Armour switches

2010= Turmoil is introduced, Turmoil Pure is created, Best Kind of Pure there is. (Armour Switching, Weapon Switching, Prayer Switching)


So what I am saying is in not long, maybe a year or so, 1 defence pures will move on to become Turmoil Pures and we will mostly fight other Turmoil Pures.

Anyone have any thoughts of the Community in a couple of years or so?


Proper pures will always be 1 def really, turmoil aint pure in my opinion


Proper pures will always be 1 def really, turmoil aint pure in my opinion

true .. neither you can call rune pure idk or barrows pure theyr more like def noobs ... and turmoil wth? is that 35 def or w/e its not pure for sure


Pretty good, not all 1 def will move to turmoil though.


in the next few years it will be turmoil based completely with wayy overpowered weapons etc, pure world is gonna die off


Pure is a substance which is 100% of something. Hence Hybrid is introduces.

I always liked the days of either Melee or Range.


Damn shame to see how its changed.


currently gtting turmoil on my pure as we speak


i c ikz lurkin and want to see an awesome reply :p


Pure = 1 defence.

Not just training one level... that's like saying somebody is a construction pure if they're 99 construction and nothing else...

Also, 1 defence pures were made back in RSC.


People saying "turmoil pures aren't pure" ... No shit, what else can they use to referr to them? "turmoil account"? People use "??? pure" to mean "pure + requirement for this" turmoil pure = "would be pure but has turmoil".. just let people use the word pure, and quit complaining. Yeah i remember the days where most people did not know you could get melee/range/mage and be the same combat, also.. there's no such thing as "Tribrid".. the definition of the word Hybrid[not word for word] is something that is composed of more than one thing... 2 = more than 1.... 3 = more than 1... Thus using all 3 forms is hybrid.. not tribrid, really annoys me when people make up stupid fucking words, if that was the case anyway, "hybrid" would be "bibrid"


In a few years there will be robot pures, mechscape!


I'm only a pure as long as foe is around.

ya im chase

rs is gone. especially because of the rock climbing boots lul


Proper pures will always be 1 def really, turmoil aint pure in my opinion

Well lets think why pures were made.  Pures were made to have an advantage over the common player, to hit higher, and deal more damage then the other person.  With turmoil that makes a pures goal alot easier, with having a HUGE advantage over 90% of the people your level. 

I feel like 30 def turmoil is the new pure  :p


Pure = 1 defence.

Not just training one level... that's like saying somebody is a construction pure if they're 99 construction and nothing else...

Also, 1 defence pures were made back in RSC.

if they were 99 construction and nothing else technically they would be a construction pure because they have no other stats... idk where the term pure was first used but it isnt really logically correct in the terms we use it as. if you told someone who didnt know what a pure was, the way we use the term, they'd ask, "pure what?" and we'd say.. "i'm a pure..." confusion occurs instantly. but it's whatever, i guess it's kinda like a k00l codeword we runescapers use and no one else can understand.

and for everyone who's complaining, get with the times. things change, so adapt and survive, or complain and quit. it's that simple.


i agree with you bro

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