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1 Billion Gp in Climbing Boots


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max on an account is 1800 confirmed by mod mark...


He would say that.. that kev guy had 12k, he's not gonna admit to somebody getting 12k of them because of being told by a j-mod.

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The person with the 12k boots whose cousin apparently works at Jagex posted that picture I believe on the Smokin Mils forums.

He claims he knows 3 people who work there and one of them is his cousin.

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Dam bro, that shit is sick so much luck to you.

And to all the little bitches that say this is fake its not! all legit

- Wackless

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Yeah its fucking bullshit, anyone heard about what happening to logdotzip? look him up on youtube... jagex has fucked up badly

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second picture is fake FO SURE

how can u get that many boots unless u no lifed for months doing boots runs from the guy for no apparent reason

cant believe that 1

first 1 i can believe cause i saw like 6 ppl at ge with that many boots and my friends have that many as well

you know u can buy them in the g/e right ^.-?

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