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Dunno where else to put this so I'm putting it here. Mods, feel free to move it if you wish.

No this is not the real Hunt_Godlink, but in SwiftIRC it looks the same.

(00:50:11) <Hunt_GodIink> Yo.

(00:53:34) <Env> sup

(00:53:54) <Hunt_GodIink> How's it going?

(00:54:08) <Env> wat

(00:54:29) <Env> ****** just stole my magpie

(00:54:39) <Hunt_GodIink> Lmao.

(00:54:52) <Env> ffs

(00:55:02) <Hunt_GodIink> Would you like to try the new IRC i made,Asking all members of foe and long time guests

(00:55:07) <Env> y

(00:55:35) <Hunt_GodIink> To see peoples feedback on it

(00:55:43) <Env> what is it

(00:55:47) <Hunt_GodIink> If it's good enough im planning on releasing it to the public

(00:55:57) <Env> whats server

(00:56:01) <Hunt_GodIink> An IRC similar to SwiftKit but with more features.

(00:56:11) <Env> whats server!!

(00:56:19) <Hunt_GodIink> 1 Minute :)

(00:56:24) <Env> noob

(00:56:30) <Hunt_GodIink>(removed link)

(00:56:34) <Hunt_GodIink> Tell me what you think :)

(00:56:45) <Env> wtf its not an irc server

(00:57:01) <Env> gtfo with that keylog

(00:57:01) <Hunt_GodIink> No my own IRC

(00:57:28) <Env> are you talking about a runescape client

(00:57:30) <Hunt_GodIink> I have well over 1b+ Check my galleries in foe.

(00:57:39) <Hunt_GodIink> Yes, Just and irc atm

(00:57:56) <Env> post it on forums

(00:58:02) <Env> cba getting keylogged over irc

(00:58:02) <Hunt_GodIink> For example ; mIRC

(00:58:17) <Env> (00:57:30) <Hunt_GodIink> I have well over 1b+ Check my galleries in foe.

(00:58:19) <Env> cool story

(00:58:25) <Hunt_GodIink> Okay?

(00:58:34) <Env> (dot)exe = keylog

(00:58:35) <Env> gf bank

(00:58:42) <Hunt_GodIink> :S?

(00:58:57) <Env> dont want to be first to get hacked

(00:59:13) <Hunt_GodIink> ?

(00:59:46) <Env> WTF ITS 1AM


(00:59:52) <Env> SCAMMAR

(01:00:00) <Hunt_GodIink> ?

(01:00:06) <Env> ./whois hunt_godlink

-Hunt_Godlink is ~Hunt_Godl@Swift-E1EB36CB.hsd1.or.comcast.net * Hunt_Godlink

Hunt_Godlink is on @#ele %#finalownage

Hunt_Godlink using server *.SwiftIRC.net (SwiftIRC network)

Hunt_Godlink has identified for this nick

Hunt_Godlink has been idle 2hours 31mins 35secs, signed on Thu, 24 Jun 2010 22:21:38 Pacific Standard Time

hunt_godlink End of /WHOIS list.-

(01:00:14) <Env> its past ur bedtime

(01:00:22) <Hunt_GodIink> okay master

(01:00:27) <Hunt_GodIink> i will go to sleep :)

(01:00:41) <Env> yeah u better

(01:00:44) <Hunt_GodIink> haha

(01:02:45) <Env> nice keylog kid

(01:02:45) * No such nickname/channel (Hunt_GodIink)

(01:04:31) <Env> wtf

(01:04:31) * No such nickname/channel (Hunt_GodIink)

(01:04:32) <Env> wt

(01:04:32) * No such nickname/channel (Hunt_GodIink)

(01:05:17) * No such nickname/channel (hunt_godiink)

It was pretty late and I was tired, so I downloaded it like a dumbass. Good ole Norton blocked it, but I still scanned and rebooted my comp to be safe. Idk if anyone else has gotten a suspicious PM like this, but please post if you have. Not sure why they would target me either... since I'm not even ranked in #finalownage. In my opinion, it must be someone relatively familiar with the clan. It's also strange that they knew I talked to Hunt in the first place... Anyways if you get a PM similar to this, be sure to find out what the real nick is and /whois them fast. Then save the log and report it to a leader.  :nice:

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hunt godlink

Wtf lol...speechless

Lesson today is: Never to DL/Open any unknown links...EVEN if they're from good friends

Noob xD

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can someone gimmie cliff notes..?

was that the real Hunt?

imo he's always been 100% legit and respected around here as far as i know..

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