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Your Very First PKing experience


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Lol i had my first experience back in 04 when i saw the first pk video ever wich i found pretty cool i remember the guys name was greenough, i then made a fresh lvl 3 and went firestrikin lol i even made vids hhaghaha

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my first loot was a addy scim and green cape :D


My first real PKing (PKing, not scouting the wilderness in full iron and a pickaxe) experience was when G mauls just came out and were about 2M each..

Was walking around in world 2, varrock wild, with an addy spear (p) hitting people when all of a sudden some kid with a maul, rune chain and some other stuff attacked me. he got piled by several people and died pretty much instantly.

I somehow got the kill and felt like the happiest 12yr old alive


Wearing full rune with rune scimmy and going to black knight with couple of friends then teleing away... Repeated for a while until I lost my bank and I quit Rs for a while Lol.


bin ownin since bin ownin since bin ownin since bin ownin since bin ownin


i dropped ghjjf for whip


I remember saving up for agess to get a rune scimy then dying in like a second and wondering y i never got kills lol, this was like the same day i got really excited cause i hit in the double digits. :)


I was lvl 12 or something on my 1st ever account got lured into wild and he started attacking me :(

But I got away!


thats liek asking my first every meal.

i cannot remember for shit.


it was back in 04. I went with my brand new rune set at like cb 50 (only rune chain tho) into wildy with like shrimps and trouts. Then i saw a ranger and i was like: yeah man im melee and that guy is a ranger, he doesnt stand a chance. End of the story: He was a Pure and koed me with water blast/bolt. gf me :(


RS Classic. Pked an R2H. Almost had a heart attack. Died seconds later to pjers.


Back in 2004 when I made my 1st account. It was a main to start, then turned into a maxed tank. I was never really an idiot on runescape, so in summer 2004 I made a ton of low lv f2p pures. I went to the castle and raped with my 2 way f2p hybrid and my friend. 2004-2007 we made like 100 lv 30-60 f2p pures and owned on them. My members pure I made in 2004 but didnt pk much on it until it had high stats. It was really good with like 99 str at 70 combat 85 mage for tb because in 2004 there wasn't even ancients lol. Good times.


dont remember for sure but i know one of the first times i ever actually pked was when i was like all 80 stats with a whip and cooking cape in 2006

im a newfaq pls


lol how at how far weve came


on my lvl 48 in the aprons lool


Back in 04 i was with my ranger friend with some black armour wreckign some noobs.

I remember waiting for him to go fish some tuna for our food.

Nowadays i just walk to GE like some Capitalist and buy some Rocktails or Sharks.

Runescape back then was my childhood ...

watch me tb

i started pking in 2004. i remember going out and gettin owned by mages, so i started maging. i was using fire stike at like level 39 or something.

on my lvl 48 in the aprons lool

and pink robe bottoms?


Went pking on my shitty 50 mage 40 def account. Got owned by a pure. Made a pure.


My friend told me that we could make lots of money in the wilderness back in like '04 I was lvl 22 with my bank (probably no more than 10k) on me, and as I walked in I got fucking raped by a team of mages and I almost started crying :lol:


Back in summer of 04 when i first started scaping, my high lvl friend (lvl 30ish) needed my help in the wild with him cuz he had to go to the red spiders den and get some red spider eggs.  While there, this lvl 20 ish ranger attacked me, then my friend owned him and got his loot, and ran off and left me in the wild hahaha.  I had to find my way out myself :\  I guess my first real experience was when i went into wild with my best 3 items (steel plate, legs and longsword), i walked into varok multi, and got butt raped by 3 lvl 36 range pures hitting like 6s and 7s on me and i was like "Wtf?!"  But i didnt think of making a pure till summer of 06 :\


when I was lvl 16 I would go pk in like full steel and an iron dagger(from the goblin hut in lumby) at varrock lvl 1 with no food then die and just kill some cows and make meat then go back again with only a dagger.


mine was way back in 05 went pk ing with a friend of mine as soon as i got 70 range on my first acc, went to castle got teamed and poisoned with no food left so had to quickly run towards to monastry with like 3 hp eating cabages :)


In 2005 i just started runescape. I leveled up my main a littlew then quikly made lvl 5-10 mages and pked with them seriously back then it was lots of fun lol.


Oh and also i started pking on my main but didnt work out so well becuz my stats were shit :(


I think this one day a friend of mine quit Runescape and gave me his account. It was like 40 attack 56 strength 10 defence and 34 prayer. Then he told me to bring some lobsters, a strength pot and a rune battle axe to the Wilderniss and try to kill peope. That's when I actually killed someone and got his Rune Scimitar. Then died with both my Scimitar and Rune Baxe.

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