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99 attack or not?

Iz Jade Iz

99 attack or no?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. 99 attack or no?

    • 99 attack
    • 80 attk with 80 dung
    • 75 attk
    • 99 attk with 80 dung

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So im pretty close to being maxed and im slaying my way to 85 slayer.  Ive been thinking of training attack, i know i want 80 dungeoneering so 80 attack is for sure but im not sure if i should get attack to 99 or 80+ even.  Share your .02 cents here =D



80 att/dung youll still be a lowish combat and be able to rape nubs with chaotic


80 atk should do fine


downt get 99 attack you will get raped by all those 80 def tanks and turmoil zerks 80 attack is fine tbh.

rapier is relly relly relly gud


get 80 dung before you get anything, then get 80atk, see if you like the cb or what


Try it with 80 then once you get bored get 90-99


Ye don't rush it to 99. Just try lower for abit.


80 attk for rapier


Go for 80, get some dung


fuck it 99 cape owns :D


don't get 99 attack, pking at 100 cmb as a pure sucks


if you dont care about 1v1 go for 99 to make it look better :)

80 could be the better choice pvp wise

pker of neeb

get it 99... im sick of all the bullshit pures calling themselves maxed at 75 fuck that... back in the day you werent maxed till 99 attack and yes it will make pvp more challenging but ide kill to see a good 99 att pure in the modern pvp worlds :).



Any higher ull no doubt regret it.


get 99 if u dont wanna pk because pking at pure at 95+ sucks, if u do wanna pk just get 80.

Going Pking3

75 att, because idk what dung does.. And it's not combat too I think.


Yeah just stick with getting 80 then the 80 dungeoneering.


get it 99... im sick of all the bullshit pures calling themselves maxed at 75 fuck that... back in the day you werent maxed till 99 attack and yes it will make pvp more challenging but ide kill to see a good 99 att pure in the modern pvp worlds :).

Well i did have a 99 att 99 str 31 def 100 cmb pker back in old wild and it raped,


back then you didnt need range, melee and mage did the job haha

but times have changed and i dont think 99 is worth it.

ps: im slaying 85 thats why i was considering 99 attk, since i got 99 str last week if i would have slayed attack id be level 84 attk right now...


99 attack is good, kids who dont know how to pk get raped cos they think its over as soon as they spec.

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