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My 2nd Pk video Preview, DDS Combos etc

guilty inc

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Hey Guys heres the preview for my second Pk video I just want to hear your guys opinions on it, what i should improve in it etc. Aw yer and if o0™ sees it could you tell me if, in my last two clips I'm comboing alright.



If u got kills like this, why post that other vid lol, this looks way better


Nice one, and yeah your comboing is fine.

lube my d2h

good so far, just think of more comobs, and maybe some combos that are your own =p


nice video, a lot better than last one!

Lmfao Mag1c

Waiting for vid.

Preview is bether then urs 1'st vid. :)


ye alot better than the first one ;) im waiting for it :]


I think it looks pretty wank, not the best i've seen.


I think it looks pretty wank, not the best i've seen.

can u do it better?


looking foward to it, gl on vid.


Aw yer and if o0™ sees it could you tell me if, in my last two clips I'm comboing alright.

will edit.

Just work on pulling the gmaul out faster. Go to duel arena to practice but pull the gmaul out before the obby maul is coming down on the opponent.


looking foward to it, gl on vid.

r u srs? ur gonna look forward to a runescape video? sht...


Looking good (Y)


Creative :). Try to work more weapons into your combos. like, Dds, dlong, 2 maul. (don't know if thats been done)

guilty inc

Thanks guys on my channel I've created a list of Combos im going to try and do so any additions are greatly appreciated. And Thank you very much o0™ for your advice, I loved your combo video

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