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75 Attack Or 60 Attack

Huh Ur k0ed

60 Aattack or 75 Attack  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. 60 Aattack or 75 Attack

    • Go for 75 Attack
    • Stay 60 Attack

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Huh Ur k0ed

GOT 75 ATTACK !!!!!

AGS is fun!


I am 60 Attack Maxed Pure with 31 Prayer. Should I Get 75 Attack and get an AGS? YES, I CAN AFFORD AGS :)

60 attack Maxed +31 Prayer = CB 80


75 attack Maxed +31 Prayer = CB 85

Huh Ur k0ed

Why 60 attack tho ...


Just don't think 75 attack is worth it for the one weapon.. well, yeah, whip and SS too, but who cares about them. The amount of weapons you got at 60 is fine. Plus lower combat is always good.

Huh Ur k0ed

Doesnt ags wreck tankers?


naa fuk that get 75, tht sht owns the only reason they saying no is because they dont have 75attk and they dont know what it feels like, ask people who have 75attk, but yes i recomend you get 75attk if you got the cash, its beastly trust me i have it, and yes ags and bgs wrecks tanks. better than d claws.

Edite: Other reasons why getting 75 attack.

It make you get better specs with any wep that you use.

its accuracy.


variety of weps you can use, example: barrows items, whip, ss sgs, bgs, zgs, my favorite ags, sol. theres another one im thinking of but can't remember the name.

and nice ass lucky hits.

qucker training with str.

Huh Ur k0ed

ill be fighting mains and tankers at combat 85?


ill be fighting mains and tankers at combat 85?

no I choose to fight lvl 90tanks, but the worst thing you will fight is a zerk with venge at 85cb, but ags gets them everytime, i got ags with 20def and 85str, i was still wrecking people told me not to but i was like fuck it, and i went for it, but now im satisfied with my decision, but if you get it its up to you.


75 if u got a nice bank

Huh Ur k0ed

Net worth: 150m

Huh Ur k0ed

75 if u got a nice bank

ive got around 150m

Huh Ur k0ed

Thanks guys ive decided to get 75 attack will post the screenshot when i get 75 attack

Huh Ur k0ed

Good luck.

thanks :D

thanks the difference between foe and mm  members mm members are dicks !!!


You will regret it, hf!


Stay 60 unless you have the bank for an Ags. No use in getting 75 if you'll never use it properly.

Pk Unit Mog

If you have the cash for an ags, sure why not.


Pk with 60, when you get sick of 60 get 70.

When you get sick of pking with ss you should whip pk till 75.

When you get sick of using ags only and regret going past 60 attack get 78 for corrupt weapons.

When you get sick of using Miasmic -> Ags get 80 for chaotic.

When you get sick of Pking itself get 99.


Stay as u are

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