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Save Canada | G&A | Closing in on Three Weeks


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[shadow=black,left]Save Canada[/shadow]

Goals & Achievements


i.Etymology & History-


iii.Recent Achievements-



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i.Etymology & History

Being a Canadian, I wanted to incorporate my own status into the game, and I wanted to have a name I would stick to that somehow relates to myself. The name Save Canada came from the vast number of issues occurring within the country. For example, there was the event of the entire government pretty much sitting on their rear ends for a few months because they couldn't get a party leader selected, and then there are other issues, such as the stupidity of Stephen Harper and his illegibility as Prime Minister. I am deeply involved with politics and law, and I thought this was a substantial name I could stick to. Other issues occurring within the country include the current economic status, which has affected a large portion of people I know who have lost/are unable to get jobs, Aboriginals fighting for rights of land, oil sands in the west being fought over, and events in the north where the Inuit seek independence within their own sovereignty.

This account is currently, hmm, I believe the eleventh pure member account I have made, as you can see I'm very detrimental with my pure-making and incredibly indecisive. My first account was created in September 2001 under the name Myalibi; I had no idea what alibi meant but I thought the word was pretty cool so it stuck. Few months later I got kind of bored, bug abusers were infesting the game and it wasn't as fun as it used to be, so I left for a couple years. Returning in late 2003, I had managed to make a new account, Music Talent (Billy Talent was a new and upcoming band whom I quite liked). This account lasted me until 2006, when it was banned wrongfully and still not unbanned. However, before this I had been introduced to pures. they were quite intriguing, being able to have much higher stats at a much lower level, so I experimented. I became involved in the Final Ownage (before Elite) community (shyly of course), in mid-late '05, on an account Il Il IIl I (all of these looked the same back then), and it was pretty good fun. Due to school reasons I drifted away and didn't return back to the forums until late 2006, around the time when pures were widespread. Since that time period, I had trained multiple accounts and been in a couple new clans (the Main clan Phobia had a pure clan called Forces of Delta, I led alongside this for a while), and TLP Juniors (Accompanied by Scotty and Martin of course!). It was not until recently that I gained something I've been lacking all these years. Patience. After pretty much blowing away my cash on my newer pure, Hardermartyr, it hit me. It started out on my main account where I was able to do a series of tasks for a long period of time (obtaining a quest cape, for one), I thought it was pretty good so I jumped immediately to starting a new account where I was able to not really quit at any given point. Pretty much life story right there heh.


The main goals I plan on focusing on for this newer account are simple; stay focused. I want this pure to be 1 prayer, and 1 defense, which isn't difficult to achieve. However, to add some spice, I wanted to be able to do as many quests as possible with these stats, and not rely on having prayer to make money. My goals change from day to day, mainly sticking to one or two things to be completed that day. For example, I wanted 65 ranged before the one week period was over, as well as at least a 700 total, which I'm 4 ranged levels off of achieving at this present point. I believe that if you stick to your goals you can achieve much more than what you think.


I am quite proud of myself for some of the achievements I have completed, not proud as in boasting, but glad that I've managed to pull things off. I guess as an adult you see priorities in a more efficient way and you have a better sense of 'not quitting'. The first five days of the account I managed to pull off 116 questpoints and hit a total level of around 690, my fastest account to date. This section will merely hold milestones, I don't expect anything too drastic yet because I plan on legitimately achieving my stats, I don't really plan on doing Soul Wars of Pest Control or any other of that rubbish, it takes away the whole point of training.

Most Recent:

Aaaah, quite a while since the update eh? Haven't been playing as much as I'd like to, but I did manage to score a few decent levels. Managed to hit 70 ranged, and a few decimals of 10 in other skills. Farming has been great profit altogether, especially with Toadflax currently being merchanted. Also, I've been doing a fair bit of pking on this account, and I must say, the loot on a main account dominates that on a pure, many kills are below 50k therefore do not pay for the supplies. Quite dissatisfying really. Now, onto my favourite part, quests! Currently accumulated 126 quest points at 49 combat while still remaining to keep 1 prayer. Wonder how far I'll go before I break and decide to get DT done? :-P Got Shilo Village done which was a goal for me, and Gem Rocks have now been altered to be MUCH faster, and they are extremely fast experience with a morphic pickaxe.

So You Think You Can Skill?

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Other Achievements on Separate Days

Day 4

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Didn't know you can't safespot the demon anymore so I had to run back and forth attacking him and eating through his hits (constant 25+). Good to know I can get adamant gloves now, just need the agility and cooking requirement. Few more quests were completed, I can't really proceed much farther at the moment without doing prayer or defence quests so I guess it's training for now.

Day 3

Mithril gloves done at the moment, just got to work on the jungle quests for my goals for today to be done. Maybe the Feud too, if I have time.

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Edit: Done the Feud after Tourist Trap, 98 Questpoints now. Going for either very minor quests tomorrow, or seeing if I can get Monkey Madness done. Combat skills need upped, as well as Construction, Hunter and Runecrafting (will be instant 23 after Eyes of Glouphrie)

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My funding for the account at first was scarce, finding money from killing cows for their hides and beef and bones and selling these to the Grand Exchange, but this wasn't good enough for me. I proceeded to fishing a bit for a bit of money, but once again, not really effective. Finally, I reverted to picking up Swamp Toads, which is pretty decent money, can't say it isn't good although sometimes it can be crowded. After doing many quests I knew there must be a faster way to make money, so I started farming. I powerfarmed up to about 29 within the first few hours of training it, and bought supplies such as marigold seeds, toadflax seeds and a lot of buckets for compost. I used the seeds from the Master Farmer to get to the level, and I hope that as I keep doing this the money will be very profitable when I start planting ranarr and toadflax. Now, while farming I knew that I had to do something while I waited for my crops to grow, so I teleported about to most of the main cities looking for a good way of making cash, and I found myself in Burthorpe. What's in Burthorpe? Tenzig. Climbing boots. 12gp each. I immediately collected around 600 and then sold to the grand exchange for about 3000% profit. I now intend on collecting around 1k of these a day, and I don't plan on stopping. If the boots do not sell in the grand exchange, I have other means of getting rid of them while still making the money.

First Row of Bank After 4 Games Necklaces Used

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My second method of funding has come from farming Toadflax, and a minor amount of ranarrs. Truthfully, I don't see any reason to farm ranarr because if a seed dies, you lose much more than you would if a Toadflax seed died (900~ to 31k). It's something that can be done while doing other things, and you don't have to return for nearly an hour and a half. Fairly decent cash, 260k~ a day.
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-Jason Dews04 - Heh buddy known you for nearly 6 years now not soon gonna forget you either you crazy Australian, ton of help, probably the most influential friend I've had.

-Woodyworth/Dark Behe - Heh, we're province neighbours, and god forbid your patience surpasses my knowledge. 99 Mining and 100k law runes in a month makes me quite jealous.

-Martin - Since TLP Juniors bruh.

-Tristan - For letting me alch with you from dusk til dawn  B)

-Andrew|Neghro - For being a laugh on most occasions, I envy you my good Irish friend

-Dave, Mike, Scotty, Artur, Nate, Ace, Assasin, Ascended, Justin, Kevin, Pheo, Purewater, Eric, Larsin, Figment, B0ss, Boss, and any of the other older High Councils/Leaders that have made sure this clan has stayed open  :victory: Alex you too :wub:

-The old this board ****ing fails crew. Slee will live long and forever.

My Chat is always on, if I've forgotten to add you then just PM me.

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Creamie pies

You like to quest alot :)


Sweeeeeet you narb :P

Gonna join Foe with it B)

How are you funnnnding it?


How much attack is it gonna have?




Nice mate, good luck with it.

X Pwnz0r X

nice bro keep it up


Nice one Kris ^^.

Goodluck training it up :D.


Sweeeeeet you narb :P

Gonna join Foe with it B)

How are you funnnnding it?

Funding will be whatever comes along heh, questing doesn't require a lot of cash. After that I'll probably kill a ton of chaos druids or something, fish for money, etc. Skilling is very profitable.

Pur3 - 60 Attack, I don't even want to contemplate 50 on this account because of the maul's inaccuracy, I've had 3 maul pures before and they've all gotten 60 attack save one.

Alex - Still playing T Gaat?


No sorry mate I quit runescape 1000000%.

Never coming back either, you will realise in time what a big waste of time it is.


Nisee, I'll add when I get online.


Edited, will edit more later, just thought I'd post a minor achievement.


I always enjoy looking at your accounts

keep it up, young man  :D


Niiiice man :)  how's the questing on my nub been :P Havn't been on it.


Niiiice man :)  how's the questing on my nub been :P Havn't been on it.

Forgot the name of it ages ago heh, you haven't reminded me in like 2 months noob.


always smart to get all the quests done early


Edit once more, 98 questpoints, really all I want is about 105 tomorrow, combat skills need a major boost so I guess I'll camp chaos druids for ranarrs and then spend the money on ranged and magic.


always smart to get all the quests done early

Heh, many of the quests I'm doign aren't really required for anything, it's moreso to show the benefits of questing because of the xp gains (next to no skills of line have been trained)


Damn that was hard.


Nice job man :) stay 1 prayer :D

Tap U Hard

very nice, good pics.

Y4nk33 D33s

nice, keep up the good work


Successsssssssssssssssss! ur good :x


Nice job man :) stay 1 prayer :D

Thinking about it, however in the future I may revert to 31, or 26. I'm running out of quests to do that don't give prayer/defense rewards.


You can't safe spot demon anymore?  :(

Nice start on your pure there.

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