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m a k u p

Fear my fez

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Fear my fez

so here's the story, i killed some pure above the hill in bh and looted my fairly nice kill, two arma stattues. I was out of pray/food and i don't carry telees on me so i decided to run to the wildy ditch, its only 4 lvs of wildy but in that time i manage to lagg hard, and get dclawed by some fag being followed by 50 kids.he literally hit me for less than 30hp and now he thinks he owns me because he gf'ed my whip. This son of a bitch wont even fight me because apperntely it would be "to easy" like how do fags like this kid even become famous on youtube? how does anyone liek a cocky dclaw prod that wont even fight.




You got downed my lord makup/ M A K U P You'll probs be in his next video now. LOLOL

Its zeh noob

Were targets all the time, hope this cheers you up. Have a few of them clips laying around killing him...



welcome to 2k10 runescape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest Emote|Muse

hes shit and runs out of wild whenever im around


thats the classic excuse, "your to easy"


Were targets all the time, hope this cheers you up. Have a few of them clips laying around killing him...



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