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82 range is next, then 70 mage then 99 str, THEN 90 range. I'm going to apply for FA at 75 range and apply for full hopefully shortly after :)

Shut Up Kid

20 def too early


20 Defence, no rune gloves.. start over. Also, stop using SoulWarsPro please.


20 Defence, no rune gloves.. start over. Also, stop using SoulWarsPro please.

-I know I got it too early.

-No, I'm a f2p pker, I'm not wasting my time with that.

-And again no, It's the best bot and I haven't been banned on any accounts yet kkthnxbai.


sw prods w00t

faild acc tbh

severed arow

lol why get 2 def on a f2p pker?

i can app for FA now :P ima gonna wait for full though


no point in 20def on a f2p pker. lol.

Guest Emote|Muse

what the hell is wrong with your stats were you dropped on the head


lmfao. 20 def 50 attack. Wtf son


no point in 20def on a f2p pker. lol.

You don't f2p pk as much as I do/used to so you wouldn't know. And anyways wait till im 99 str 90 range, then we'll see who's fail, oh, and you guys forget I'm a f2p pker or you just trollin? Or you don't know how to f2p pk at all.


Gratz on the Str levelll.


50 attack - p2p[gmaul]

20 def - p2p

31 prayer..

On a f2p pker? W....what? At the end of the day, you've got sw bot, you may aswell just start over, don't settle for less than perfect... get 45 attack, 99 str, 1 def, 1 prayer, and bust heads. But ah well if you stick with that acc gl in whatever you do.


Dont agree with stats =/ but gratz on str level


50 attack - p2p[gmaul]

20 def - p2p

31 prayer..

On a f2p pker? W....what? At the end of the day, you've got sw bot, you may aswell just start over, don't settle for less than perfect... get 45 attack, 99 str, 1 def, 1 prayer, and bust heads. But ah well if you stick with that acc gl in whatever you do.

I understand what you mean. But I've been f2p pking for so long, and I've pretty much mastered it.. I can rape on half decent stats, Skill>stats. i had an account once that was 60-78-25 with like 65 range and I was range-2h raping pures with that... No joke


first fight of the day, lasted like 2 minutes, He had defence too.

Anyways thanks everyone for the nice comments, and to the ppl hating on my acc, L2PK lolz.


Yeah but at the end of the day, skilled or not, what's the point handicapping yourself purposely, gonna get dungeoneering and a gravite 2h?


Yeah but at the end of the day, skilled or not, what's the point handicapping yourself purposely, gonna get dungeoneering and a gravite 2h?

Understandable. And I don't know about the gravite 2h? How much dung do I need, and does it protect over scim?


Yeah but at the end of the day, skilled or not, what's the point handicapping yourself purposely, gonna get dungeoneering and a gravite 2h?

Understandable. And I don't know about the gravite 2h? How much dung do I need, and does it protect over scim?

Yep, protects over scim, uhm, think it's 45 dung, 45 attack, it has 90 str bonus, 20 more than r2h.. with 99 str/without prayer it maxes like 40 more than an r2h, not sure about with prayer.


Please L2skill, and stop using that AutoSoulWars Pro you bought off rsbots.net


Please L2skill, and stop using that AutoSoulWars Pro you bought off rsbots.net

L2skill? CBA to play rs 18 hours a day like you, sorry I don't have time to train it all day. And this is 2010, most people bot, so if you can't afford a good bot, or you've gotten banned in the past, don't come here talking shit.



20deeeeeeeeeeef    :sleep:

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