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Why you should NOT use RSBot...


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I really don't think botting is good and its pretty pointless especially if you use it on a skiller. I might understand if you want to train your melee stats but really it's not worth the risk of being banned.


bots are for losers.

5tup1d ch0ob

bots are for losers.

Nah the best botters are the smartest people... like xts.
hunt godlink

Botting for cash is still dumb imo


I only bot on low levels, which I train to level 50, make about 500k, and free to play pk.

However, since I logged on to RsBot on all of my accounts (even though I didn't bot) so I could multi-logging, can they still be banned?


biggest load of bullshit I heard l0l

I have a new pure which I botted for 6 months now, not one single blackmark

anyway botting is always a risk you just need to know how/where to use it

if you don't wanna get banned don't bot


Ultra speaks the truth.

But Jagex are mean for banning when you get a decent stat and a suitable amount of cash.


lol rsbot, i straight auto clicked 82-99 mage but w/e


Hehe I can honestly say I've never botted, mainly cause I can't figure out how to use the fucking things lol.


biggest load of bullshit I heard l0l

I have a new pure which I botted for 6 months now, not one single blackmark

anyway botting is always a risk you just need to know how/where to use it

if you don't wanna get banned don't bot

^^ this

It's a risk, but it's easy.

EDIT: And this is a load of BULLSHIT, Jagex doesn't fucking "wait" for you to get a 99. ROFL

What do they do, look at your account daily and be like "OOOOHH ALMOST 99 DERP DERP READY TO BAN GUIZ?!?!?!!"

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