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PuroPuro For Claws Or 99 HunteR?

b a m b iii

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b a m b iii

Boys i got 99 hunter and Claws 17th of July 2010


bot puro puro

X No Mercy O

Bot puro puro, its like 700k+ an hour, more if you get lucky


bot puro puro for 3-4 days then you bot 99 hunter by the time you get the 14 day banhammer you got dem $$


Bot Real Life and go puro puro


what does it matter not like its ur effot bot hunt bot puro bot sw bot pking


what does it matter not like its ur effot bot hunt bot puro bot sw bot pking

lol at your sig....

puro puro.... make more money and then get d claws.....


Bot PuroPuro, you get 2m+/hr at 91 hunter. So just bot it over night and you'll have a free 20m+


puro puro, then finish 99 hunter if you want the cape

I droptime i

bot puro puro 2M+ a n hour hahaah

severed arow

wtf what bot bots puro puro 0.o



*seriously things to self about getting hunter & puro puro bot*


lol @ everyone telling him to bot  :lol:


This is 010 nigguh, erryone bots.

b a m b iii

*cough* ive already got both bots, and fighter and sw also sorcgarden lol


*cough* ive already got both bots, and fighter and sw also sorcgarden lol

its all about hunter, sw's, mta, and puro puro son!!

(getting puro&hunter soon, kinda scared to use the hunter tho  :embarrased:)


Either way ur gonna bot em, so what difference does it make lol


bot puro puro, capes are useless unless they are trimmed,  Get the Cash then bot hunter up to 99 while flipping items.  THen bot 94 mage.  Then bot pking.


Bot, bot, bot, bot L O L!

b a m b iii

Dont worry Lads i got my claws! and 10 hours off my first 99 on my pure!


*cough* ive already got both bots, and fighter and sw also sorcgarden lol

its all about hunter, sw's, mta, and puro puro son!!

(getting puro&hunter soon, kinda scared to use the hunter tho  :embarrased:)

get addy gloves n00b

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