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Nothing created by man no matter how complex and intricate can predict the end of the world, no amount of predicting and foresight can see when the world ends, you would have to be psychic to be able to, which we all know, does not exist, so no, this also should be in the debates section - in which case, i think there is already a 2012 topic.


now gtfo with these kinda threads..pointless and stupid...

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Even if there was a slight chance of the world ending in 2012, somebody (NASA etc) would have seen it coming, whether it's some type of meteor or even a change in the fault lines or some crap like that.  So far, nothing has been noticeably different from usually, unless they are just keeping it a secret.

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Elven Dremor

It actually hasn't been said the world will be ending, it's just one of the possibilites - It could be numerous outcomes, just will be something. Personally I don't believe in it, I really couldn't give a shit either if it did happen lol.

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guys, the world aint gona end, the only thing that will happen is global warming.... thts the only one, and its not gona happen in 2012, lock this thread, its getting anoying

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On the 21st December 2012, All the planets will be in a straight line with the center of the black hole, this causes displacement which causes the north and south pole so shift. Meaning that the sea levels will change and probably a few earthquakes ect, i doubt it'd be the end of the world but it's probably something big.

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guys, the world aint gona end, the only thing that will happen is global warming.... thts the only one, and its not gona happen in 2012, lock this thread, its getting anoying

Global warming is happening right now idiot. Don't post ever again.

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It actually hasn't been said the world will be ending, it's just one of the possibilites - It could be numerous outcomes, just will be something. Personally I don't believe in it, I really couldn't give a shit either if it did happen lol.

Same, because I'd be dead.

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