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Fucking iPhone


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I don't see how Apple fanboys exist. Their products are fucking terrible.

I recently bought an iPhone 3GS (The 's' is for 'speed' supposedly). What a massive pile of shot that is, firstly I get par'd on a 24 month contract, then since I've done nothing but complain, it's an awful product.

Almost all my calls fail due to shit signal, then when I finally get through I'm repeatedly told by my friends that they can't hear me, it's frustrating as hell.

The 3G is awful, any sort of waiting room, store, school or college won't allow you to connect, same goes for if you're moving, which writes off walking or any form of transport. Therefore the only time you'll get a signal is if you're on a remote desert island in the middle of fucking no where.

The most frustrating thing for me though is the worthless wifi signal, I've got one hell of an Internet connection, I almost always pull host on the playstation and have very little lag while on online games, yet when I sit next to my modem with my iPhone it takes 20 minutes to load a 3 minute video on Youtube.

How on the fucking earth can they sell so many products? Every time I use it I fill up with rage. I had an iTouch too, that pissed me off a lot and I ended up kicking down the stairs, I can see myself doing the same to my phone in the near future.


Take it back, I've got one and I  don't have any of those problems. :/


Yeah a friend of mine has had 2 so far and had to send them both back to Apple due to faults with the 3G, luckily Apple are pretty decent for warranty jobs, they send you a replacement, and when you receive it you send yours back in so you're never without one, working or not.


haven't had many problems with mine besides a call drop occasionally.


pretty sure its just the phone, try cracking it or fixing ur settings


i have friends and there worth it idk


Never had one but that seems like its more At&T rather than apple m8


at&t maybe? their service is shit


old phones = auto win tbh !

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