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i hate when nubnerds tell me to get 43, 44, 45, 52 prayer@@

i hate when people get mad at me for having a real life and being somewhat inactive :@

i hate freakin dutch people for knocking Brazil out of the worldcup

i hate when people decide to come over before calling

i hate when people use way too many smileys then necessary

i hate when people post stuff on irc that nobody gives a shit about

i hate being poor on rs and not being able to afford a ridiculous amount of vls's and pking supplies

i hate bad trollls

fucking spiders piss me off too



there are better, faster and less annoying ways to get that 25PC


shouldn't you be proud that i am making an effort D:


real life nerd get a no-life


I dislike people saying GF POWNED in castle wars.

I dislike getting killed while returning.

I dislike that i got no chinese friend who could farm me some millions.


there are better, faster and less annoying ways to get that 25PC



I dislike huge faggots like you who join the forum, having never spoken to anybody on the forum, then expect to join instantly, so spam to 25 post count[usually in the fucking off topic section] seriously there should be a fucking rule that you have to be on the forum a few months atleast to join, this clan is filled with newfags.  :) ^_^ :mellow: :o :huh: :( :sleep: B) ;) :lol: :p :unsure2: :omg: :angry: :D o.O :rolleyes: :shifty: :ph43r: :wow: :embarrased: ;o :wub: :lmao: :Hi: :nice: (n) :victory: <3 :blush: :whistle: :blush: <3 :victory: (n) :nice: :Hi: :lmao: :wub: ;o :embarrased: :wow: :ph43r: :shifty: :rolleyes: o.O :D :angry: :omg: :unsure2: :p :lol: ;) B) :sleep: :( :huh: :o :mellow: ^_^ :) ^_^ :mellow: :o :huh: :( :sleep: B) ;) :lol: :p :unsure2: :omg: :angry: :D o.O :rolleyes: :shifty: :ph43r: :wow: :embarrased: ;o :wub: :lmao: :Hi: :nice: (n) :victory: <3 :blush: :whistle:


I dislike huge faggots like you who join the forum, having never spoken to anybody on the forum, then expect to join instantly, so spam to 25 post count[usually in the fucking off topic section] seriously there should be a fucking rule that you have to be on the forum a few months atleast to join, this clan is filled with newfags.  :) ^_^ :mellow: :o :huh: :( :sleep: B) ;) :lol: :p :unsure2: :omg: :angry: :D o.O :rolleyes: :shifty: :ph43r: :wow: :embarrased: ;o :wub: :lmao: :Hi: :nice: (n) :victory: <3 :blush: :whistle: :blush: <3 :victory: (n) :nice: :Hi: :lmao: :wub: ;o :embarrased: :wow: :ph43r: :shifty: :rolleyes: o.O :D :angry: :omg: :unsure2: :p :lol: ;) B) :sleep: :( :huh: :o :mellow: ^_^ :) ^_^ :mellow: :o :huh: :( :sleep: B) ;) :lol: :p :unsure2: :omg: :angry: :D o.O :rolleyes: :shifty: :ph43r: :wow: :embarrased: ;o :wub: :lmao: :Hi: :nice: (n) :victory: <3 :blush: :whistle:



I dislikeeeee.... u.


Lol Harsh.. I hate Germany for beating England and i hate Nick for power abusing me


I dislikeeeee.... u.

^ +1 :D.


I hate watching fat people eat


I hate watching fat people eat

looooooooooooooooooooooooool  :nice:




L @ the replies to this topic.

Spittles (Old School)

I hate myself //wrist


I dislike guys pretending to be girls over the internet.


I hate watching fat people eat

I just wanna slap the food right out of their chubby fingers.

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