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Gravitey x - a f2p gravite pure - progress, goals and achievements- Update 1

severed arow

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severed arow

I started the pure skipped the tut (has to be one of the best updates!) and went straight to the dungeons, to pursue my goals of 63 dung ( for gravite 2h ), 45 attack and 80+ str, this is the story of Gravitey x !   (lol) and remember this is only a side project so im nto trainign it up fast!

not long into creating my account i got 4 attk 4 str and 5 dung;



Decided to leave the dungeon and quickly get 20 attk and 20 str so i got from 10- 20 str out of the dung and 5-20 attk out of the dungeon i then decided to go back to the dungeon and train for 9 smithing so i can make full novite for myself, i end up with these stats... 13 dung 21 attk 24 str 18 hp 10 smithing 11 cooking 3 fire making


Update 2 :)

Not done much on it recently ive been focusing on my actual pure and this is only a side project but... im now these stats (except im 21 hp now :P got it like a min after i took the screeny) the only thing ive been doing to train atm is dung :P



dung must be so easy at your lvl rofl... get high cooking and it will be ez


Gl, this account will look awesome/pwn, when it's finished.


nice man, if i were to start a new f2p pure id do it like that aswell :)


Why would dung be easy at his level? Wouldn't it actually be extremely difficult?


Why would dung be easy at his level? Wouldn't it actually be extremely difficult?

the levels of npcs and bosses depend on the level of the player.


gl # hope you get 62 fast %^^


Gl, keep posting picz.

severed arow

gl # hope you get 62 fast %^^

63 >.<


Why would dung be easy at his level? Wouldn't it actually be extremely difficult?

the levels of npcs and bosses depend on the level of the player.

what he said

severed arow

+ thanks for all the gls guy s:P

severed arow



Gl, will be watching this thread :)


Sounds like it will be nice when its done, a lot of effort though

Gl with it

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