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Spotted a Kingly/Dragon Impling?


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Did you just find a Kingly/Dragon Impling wandering Runescape? Can you not catch it? Do you not know anybody who can catch it either? If YOU want a reward, tell me!

When you find a Kingly/Dragon Impling, you need to PM me in game(Disttinctt) the location and world and make sure to NOT POST HERE.

**Implings spawn all over Runescape.**

**Also, I have access to Puro-Puro and Mos Le'Harmless(Popular places for imps).**

Here is the Reward!

I will buy half the value of the Kingly/Dragon Impling in junk. For example, you spotted a Kingly Imp and it is worth 2.5M. I will buy 1.25M of your junk. Another option if you don't have junk is a 24 Hour Dragon Claw Lend. If you know any other options for me to pay you, or you aren't satisfied, PM me. (99.9% of you will be satisfied)

Right now I am ONLINE.

Have fun spotting implings!


The Numbers(Since thread was started):

Kingly Implings - 17

Dragon Implings - 4

Total - 21

Who found the Imp:

Me - Kingly x6 Dragon x1

People in a Clan Chat that I chill with - Kingly x2

Spotters - Kingly x9 Dragon x3

Once again, THANKS!

**Free bumps accepted.**





no pPl pm me pl0x i gief 76k triek is beter den dem junkz so talk to me fierst

implien cawnt:

crown kingly lulz:20

drewgon impling:25

edit: 99.9% OF the time you will get bewner

Guest Emote|Muse

fuck off


Are you going to scam me? :o

watch me tb

w65, mage bank. come now! be sure to bring cash to pay me with.


w65, mage bank. come now! be sure to bring cash to pay me with.



w65, mage bank. come now! be sure to bring cash to pay me with.

On my way!!!!

Waaait a second...


fuck off retard u botted that hunter so get auto puro-pro

Gareth l Rare

yay a free +1

the flood of +1's  are coming



no pls

tell me

Creamie pies



i'll be sure to pm the location of all kingly and dragon imps ASAP! thanks for the topic and i'll get back to you!

lol jk


Dang..didn't realize how many kids trolled these forums..What can you expect I guess..bunch of failed pures in one site, except a few and you know who you are..

Edit:  Wow, nvm, most of the people that responded were Guests..too fail to join Foe.  And Steroids, looked you up, nothing special..fight you anyday.  My targs are usually maxed 75 att with ags and they get dropped, so gl with your stats.

Ko From Dds

Dang..didn't realize how many kids trolled these forums..What can you expect I guess..bunch of failed pures in one site, except a few and you know who you are..

art thou infuriated?



Dang..didn't realize how many kids trolled these forums..What can you expect I guess..bunch of failed pures in one site, except a few and you know who you are..

Edit:  Wow, nvm, most of the people that responded were Guests..too fail to join Foe.  And Steroids, looked you up, nothing special..fight you anyday.  My targs are usually maxed 75 att with ags and they get dropped, so gl with your stats.

then fuck off

watch me tb

Dang..didn't realize how many kids trolled these forums..What can you expect I guess..bunch of failed pures in one site, except a few and you know who you are..

Edit:  Wow, nvm, most of the people that responded were Guests..too fail to join Foe.  And Steroids, looked you up, nothing special..fight you anyday.  My targs are usually maxed 75 att with ags and they get dropped, so gl with your stats.

you make a retard thread, you get retard posts. what did you really expect. btw, im not even a pure...


Dang..didn't realize how many kids trolled these forums..What can you expect I guess..bunch of failed pures in one site, except a few and you know who you are..

Edit:  Wow, nvm, most of the people that responded were Guests..too fail to join Foe.  And Steroids, looked you up, nothing special..fight you anyday.  My targs are usually maxed 75 att with ags and they get dropped, so gl with your stats.

you make a retard thread, you get retard posts. what did you really expect. btw, im not even a pure...


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