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Who the hell r these.


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Go kill them, standing around the same place everyday with master wand and mage book -.-

vid shows them fighting foe too or some shit..


Kill them yourself spastic

0mfg me cb 3

id say goodluck and go do it yourself?

edit: lmfao casting tb in a 5 vs 5 against a no teleport clan


hey anyone wanna go tear these fgts up with me?


lets get some shit together...


I don't think some of those people were FOE...


I don't think some of those people were FOE...

oh so he was saying that some of them were foe?

:(  darn..


Lmao, Pklng obama died at 1:50.


like a week ago they tried luring me and I killed 2 of them whilst they tried to get me to multy.. then just walked off rofl.

Creamie pies

lol they suck


These kids are funny they use overheads way before Foe does.


Gl killing them in multi, would need to mass up a team or maybe foe midweek =p


Gl killing them in multi, would need to mass up a team or maybe foe midweek =p

mass team..? there's like 6 - 8 of em...

all we need is 5 or 6 people with stats close to mine and we'll destroy them..

fuck it i'll infiltrate them and join their little pking squad just to bs em, cocky little pricks..


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