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Pr3tty k0 pvp vid 1

pr3tty k0

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here's the link:

this is my 1st time edited pvp vid, if you could tell me if is at least alrite tht would be great  :D

also if you have any tips for me on editing videos ect.. please tell me  :wow:

and also please tell me how i could improve my pvp Video 2

stats in this vid:

75 hp




60 attack

this week i am getting:

82 mage

and im trying to get 90+ range asap

if you have any ideas how i could improve my pvp video 2 please tell me, i will be happy to hear what you have to say  :nice:


yeh lol i realised soz

i corected link now

l c e Water

not a bad vid u fight alot of higher lvs then u good stuff mate


Quite a nice video for your first

Maybe practice editing a bit more to improve the entertainment & drop the tabs.

Other than that, pretty good. Looking forward to the next one (Y)


Quite a nice video for your first

Maybe practice editing a bit more to improve the entertainment & drop the tabs.

Other than that, pretty good. Looking forward to the next one (Y)

what do u mean by drop the tabs?


what do u mean by drop the tabs?

He means stop hugging your tele tab. Especially since you started the vidding with "teletubbies" and you do your on-screen insults when people tele from you.

By the way, If you're going to do on-screen insults then correct your spelling. Makes you look hella downie when you incorrectly spell your insults that you edit into your video.

Turned the video off half way through, didn't see any pking skill that were any different from 2007 pk vids.


yeah well i carry a tab incase there are noobs who will pj me at 0 food left,

im dont see any spelling errors.. maby bcuz im not english

but ty

least now i got a brief idea what i should improve on lol


Aye not bad mate for 1st vid, you need to lose the tele tab tho and mix the locations up and not hug banks all the time, liked the song :)


thanks walsmley :)

and yeah im trying to go as far as possible from banks now, but thers not as many people there lol


Not bad for first vid;)


Over-all i liked the vid...but thats probably because my pure is within 5-10 levels of all of your stats. I've only been making my pure for about 3 weeks so i'd say  you should probably train up your stats a bit before you make your next vid and switch up the combo's a bit...msb -> dds gets old fast. Good try, if you'd like to fight sometime send me a pm in game.Hybrid Zorp (66 combat)

Sacred Term

Not that bad for your first video. My advice is just work on the editing and loose the tele tabs ;p

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