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my quest for adamant gloves


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All you needed was 65 cooking but have fun lol.


All you needed was 65 cooking but have fun lol.

sorry, but i've never been a POT TO kind of guy..

but that's ok if you just wanna get 91 mage and pot to barrage for the rest of your RS career, we'll just laugh behind your back and be nice to your face..


Guess you didn't do it all tonight as this was posted yesterday. Anyway good luck on whatever you have left to do.


agility is fkin gna suck to train at that lvl! congrats though and gl  :)


agility is fkin gna suck to train at that lvl! congrats though and gl  :)

i quickly realized that after i got to karamja, got 1 lvl then some friends came over with some beer so i logged haha..

anyone have some suggestion on where i could train 42 - 48 agility quickly...?  i should have it done tomorrow if i can get all the gree gree's ect..  :wow:


Only need 65.

you're retarded..

66+ Cooking. (With Chefs Delight), 70 (Without)

taken straight from FOE's guide section..


bro agility isn't shit there, just do it "nike symbol"

Only need 65.

you're retarded..

66+ Cooking. (With Chefs Delight), 70 (Without)

taken straight from FOE's guide section..

believe it's 66 as well


i didn't wanna chef's delight it, so i went to 70 + i like rounded numbers better..

and agility isn't shit where? brimhaven?



5 more to go!  (n)

Guest Emote|Muse

65 with chef's delight (m)


Yeah, you can do with 65 Cooking with chef's delight(m) and.. Brimhaven is fast thanks to the tickets. Gl.




holy fucking shit i hate that place SOOOO MUCH!!

i'll get the gloves themselves tomorrow when i find time..

might try it tonight, but i doubt it..


nice account eric:) grats on the agility


'grats, now go and get those gloves ASAP! Gl.


Only need 65.

you're retarded..

66+ Cooking. (With Chefs Delight), 70 (Without)

taken straight from FOE's guide section..

YOUR the retardo-o,

65 cooking w/ Chef's Delight (m)


training yourself blows don't it  :lol:


Only need 65.

you're retarded..

66+ Cooking. (With Chefs Delight), 70 (Without)

taken straight from FOE's guide section..

YOUR the retardo-o,

65 cooking w/ Chef's Delight (m)

first of all, learn your place kid.. if your first post that i've ever seen on this forums is trying to bash me, you made a horrible mistake..

secondly if you knew how to fucking read "taken straight from FOE's guide section.."  is what i specifically stated..

[so if the guide i'm using says 66, i would have gotten 66+ REGARDLESS]

thirdly, it doesn't fucking matter that I ONLY NEEDED 66, I got 70, so pull that dick outta the bottom of your throat before you even THINK about addressing me..

stay the fuck out of my topics faggot..

nice account eric:) grats on the agility

thank you sir :]

'grats, now go and get those gloves ASAP! Gl.

i'm gonna go start the monkey ambas. now.. thanks  ^_^

training yourself blows don't it  :lol:



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