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Claw Tricking


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I recently recovered an old failed zerker of mine, which happens to have 37m.

And on my pure last night I was dropped for Claws and Fury, so I now have 50m+ DP.

Now here is what I need help deciding.

Should I;

1) Do multiple smaller risk tricks, a Few Mill at a time maybe ( If this please suggest a good Item to trick with)


2) Wait Untill my Pure is 100% EP, 50M DP, And then get the two accounts to be Targets, and have my pure kill the zerker, while the zerker is risking claws. ( I understand this is not very likely, its just I assumed if the Pure has 100% EP, 50m+ DP, 8/8 Target, I thought the chance of getting the claws has rapidly increased )

All opinions are welcome, I really need help deciding. Because If I did the claw trick, then got like a 2m loot, I would be gutted. But then again I could only do a few lower risk tricks before the game realises we're 76king and Starts to give me junk.

Please Help guys :P


Targs over 50ep are always a waste.

Use a targ kill as your first kill after the death, then just simply pk.. Rougue kills with high dp are under estimated.


So your saying I shouldn't bother killing the zerker for any amount?


To much risk wouldn't do it.

If you are going to plz vid it.

I will lol if u get 5m drop...


So what do you suggest I do instead then xD

Lmfao Mag1c

Try risk whip's or somethin like that, and have about 90-100 ep. :)

I think it will sucsess.


Yeah But If I do whip tricks, the highest I'll get is a Vestas Long, and It takes ALOT of luck to get that.

But If both accounts were targets, I think you have like a 60% chance of getting something they have if your targets, and seeing as the only item ill bring is claws, and with 50m+ DP, I have alot better chance of getting them.

I really don't know what to do =/

Because If I did a claw trick then got like 2m, Id be gutted because theres no more money on the account to trick with. But If I did multiple smaller tricks, I would only be able to kill the account a few times before I start to get junk


Buy a xferring guide for a few quid on scythe, transfer the 37m.


Like every single person on sythe scams, so id rather not


Like every single person on sythe scams, so id rather not

You just need to find someone with vouches.


Just looked on Sythe and there isnt a single method over 2m/hr. And theres no way im sitting there for 16.5 hours xfering.

Id rather just do it this way tbh. Any other opinions? Need help deciding what item I should use to trick if not using claws :P


There is a 15m/hr method on sythe... I would post but i cant advertise.


Do small amounts of mills at a time with some good dp...you're better off getting like 20M/37M then trying to go for the whole shiibang and lose it all ya know?


Yeah I get you.

How many tricks will I be able to do with 50m+ DP?


Xfer it I duno why this is even open for debate


first of all, why would u risk claws and fury on a pure rofl....  Theres no real reason to use both at the same time. 

but back to on topic

Xfer > trying to "d claw trick", and theres methods well over 2m an hour, i get told methods alot and you just gotta use them before its too late lol.  Just pk legit, no reason to lose money trying to xfer thru bh


Most people do whip/staff of light/fury risks


Someone Pm me a good xfer Guide plawks, Ill xfer you 10m :P


Anyone got an xfer method? Ill give you 10m of it if you share the method with me!


Anyone got an xfer method? Ill give you 10m of it if you share the method with me!

nobody will tell you a good xfer method for free

R 4 P 1 D Z

doesnt matter how much over 76k u go its just the fact ur risking over 76k that matters dont see the point of risking d claws which is 34m when u could use that money to give urself hundreds of 76k's which will have obviously more loot if done 76k at a time


bottom line go for it.  Target wont do shit for you tbh.  just get rouge kills and the DP will work itself off.  I lost 3m 1 day and 5 kills later i got ancient stat.  you will reach equilibrium dont worry.


But how many times Will I be able to kill the same account before it starts giving me junk as loot?

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